sul-dlss-deprecated / hydrus

[DEPRECATED] Superseded by An application for self-deposit of digital objects into the Stanford Digital Repository for preservation and access.
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application infrastructure rails-ui


Build Status Test Coverage


A Hydra application enabling deposit of digital objects into the Stanford Digital Repository for preservation and access.

Setting up your environment

System Requirements

  1. Install Docker
  2. Install Ruby (version per travis CI config)

Run the servers

docker-compose up -d
brew install exiftool # Required by assembly-objectfile

./bin/rails db:migrate db:test:prepare

RAILS_ENV=test ./bin/rails hydrus:refreshfix # load all fedora and database fixtures, and get sample uploaded files

Running the application

You can provide the current user and roles using environment variables when the server is in development mode:

ROLES=dlss:hydrus-app-administrators rails server

Useful URLs during development

Running tests

To run the test suite, invoke rake from the Hydrus app root. Note that the docker containers need to be running already for this work.

$ rake # Runs all tests.

# Coverage reports
$ open coverage/index.html

If you encounter problems with running tests, try:

$ docker-compose stop
$ docker-compose rm -vf
$ docker-compose up -d


cap [stage_name] deploy

Run remediations the objects in the deployed environment require changes to be consistent with the new code.

  1. Shut down the application.
  2. Run remediations: see section below.
  3. Start the application.


The general framework, and the front-end. See the code for more details on how the process works.


Remediation scripts:

Running remediations (using production environment as the example):

# Must run from the deployed box.
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails runner remediations/run.rb
grep -i warn log/remediation.log  #Then search for problems.

Useful commands

List the Hydrus rake tasks.

rake -T hydrus

Some handy scripts during development.

rails runner devel/create_test_item.rb help
rails runner script/experiment.rb         # See comments in script.
rails runner devel/get_datastreams.rb
rails runner devel/list_all_hydrus_objects.rb


If you see an error relating to generate_intial_workflow() for nil:NilClass, run this:

rake hydrus:reindex_workflow_objects

Terms of deposit text

If you update the text, you should change the following:


Text and headings:

Workflow steps and object_status

General points:

Relationship between object_status and workflow steps for collections:

object_status              workflow steps
draft                      start-deposit

published_open             submit --> approve --> start-assembly

published_closed           start-assembly


Relationship between object_status and workflow steps for items:

Items not requiring human approval:

object_status              workflow steps
draft                      start-deposit
published                  submit --> approve --> start-assembly

Items requiring human approval:

object_status              workflow steps
draft                      start-deposit
awaiting_approval          submit
returned                   submit
published                  approve --> start-assembly

Note: Items can toggle back and forth between awaiting_approval and returned during the edit-and-review process. During that time, the workflow remains at the submit step.

Creating a Hydrus Item with a particular PID

# Temporarily edit register_dor_object().
params[:pid] = 'ITEM_PID' if args.last == 'APO_PID'

# Run this in the Rails console.
bundle exec rails c ENV
hc = Hydrus::Collection.find 'COLL_PID'
u  = => 'EMAIL')
hi = ItemService.create(, u)

Manually Adding a File to an Existing Object

  1. Move the file(s) to the /data/hydrus-files/tmp folder on the hydrus-prod server using sftp or some other mechanism
  2. SSH into the hydrus-prod server, go to the app directory and start a console
    cd hydrus/current
    bundle exec rails console production
  3. Now from the Rails console add your file(s) to the object by creating new ObjectFile(s)
    hof =   = 'druid:XX111YY2222'
    hof.hide  = false               # set this to true if the file should be hidden (default: false)
    hof.label = "Description"       # optional description of file, can be left blank
    hof.file  ='/data/hydrus-files/tmp/YOURFILENAME')  # add your file here by path  # should return true if it succeeded
  4. Repeat step 3 for any additional files
  5. Refresh the object page in hydrus to confirm the files are listed. You can also double-check that the files were placed in the correct location, /data/hydrus-files/DRUID/TREE/PATH/DRUID/content e.g. /data/hydrus-files/xx/111/yy/2222/xx111yy2222/content
  6. Delete the files from the /data/hydrus-files/tmp directory