The WAS Registrar App (WRA) is a Rails application that:
WAS Registrar App is the successor to the Web Registrar.
docker compose up -d db
RAILS_ENV=test rake db:create db:migrate
docker compose up -d redis
Note: The WASAPI Downloader is not typically needed for development; it is necessary for running fetches.
curl -L >
If installing in a different location, make the appropriate change in settings.
bin/rails test:prepare
bundle exec rubocop
bundle exec rspec
docker compose up -d db
docker compose run web rake db:setup
docker compose up -d
The app will now be available on http://localhost:3000.
As you make changes (e.g., to gems), you will need to rebuild the web container:
docker compose stop web
docker compose build web
docker compose up -d
First install foreman (foreman is not supposed to be in the Gemfile, See this wiki article ):
gem install foreman
Then you can run
This starts css/js bundling and the development server
Alernatively, you can start use docker compose:
docker compose up -d
if you want to run the web container in intractive mode, stop it first and then run it so it will show interactive live output:
docker compose stop web
docker compose run --service-ports web
Background processing is performed by Sidekiq.
Sidekiq can be monitored from /queues.
For more information on configuring and deploying Sidekiq, see this doc.
To run a Sidekiq worker locally:
bundle exec sidekiq
To deploy to stage: bundle exec cap stage deploy
To deploy to production: bundle exec cap prod deploy
To audit the WARCs that have been accessioned in SDR against the WARCs available from a WASAPI provider, use an audit rake task:
bin/rake audit_collection['<collection druid>']
bin/rake audit['<collection_druid>','<wasapi_collection_id>','<wasapi_account>','<embargo_months>']
For example:
RAILS_ENV=production bin/rake audit_collection['druid:hw105qf0103']`
RAILS_ENV=production bin/rake audit['druid:gq319xk9269','14373','shl','1']
This will return a list of WARC filenames that are available but have not been accessioned. This will respect embargoes and exclude WARCs from the current month.
To fetch and initiate a one-time registration for missing WARCs (based on the auditing procedure described above), use a remediate rake task:
bin/rake remediate_collection['<collection druid>']
bin/rake remediate['<collection_druid>','<wasapi_collection_id>','<wasapi_account>','<embargo_months>']
For example:
RAILS_ENV=production bin/rake remediate_collection['druid:hw105qf0103']`
RAILS_ENV=production bin/rake remediate['druid:gq319xk9269','14373','shl','1']
(bundle exec rspec spec/features/web_archiving_accessioning_spec.rb
) integration test and verify that a One-time WARC
is created.
is indexed:*/