sulkaharo / nsfitbit

Nightscout Fitbit watchface
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
17 stars 11 forks source link


This repository has the source code for a simple Nightscout Fitbit watchface.

Some of the features includes

Screenshot Screenshot

Screenshot Screenshot

SDK 4.2 and SDK 5 support

Due to Fitbit devices needing separate builds under SDK 4.2 and 5, the project now has a separate folder for the "project" for each SDK version. Sadly typescript has a bug that prevents symlinking to the shared sources, so this is handled with source file copying.

Editing the sources is expected to happen in the project root folders.

If you need to make a build for a specific SDK, cd into the sdk4 or sdk5 folders and run yarn install; yarn run build and then install the build to the Fitbit simulator or device with npx fitbit and running the `install command there.

SDK 6 builds also use the sdk5 directory.


Run unit tests by changing to the correct SDK directory and running yarn run test.