sultanmyrza / preview-camera

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Preview Camera Plugin for iOS, Android


npm install @numbersprotocol/preview-camera
npx cap sync


* [`echo(...)`](#echo) * [`startPreview()`](#startpreview) * [`stopPreview()`](#stoppreview) * [`takePhoto()`](#takephoto) * [`capturePhoto()`](#capturephoto) * [`startRecord()`](#startrecord) * [`stopRecord()`](#stoprecord) * [`flipCamera()`](#flipcamera) * [`getFlashModes()`](#getflashmodes) * [`setFlashMode()`](#setflashmode) * [`isTorchOn()`](#istorchon) * [`enableTorch(...)`](#enabletorch) * [`isTorchAvailable()`](#istorchavailable) * [`focus(...)`](#focus) * [`minAvailableZoom()`](#minavailablezoom) * [`maxAvailableZoom()`](#maxavailablezoom) * [`zoom(...)`](#zoom) * [`setQuality(...)`](#setquality) * [`saveFileToUserDevice(...)`](#savefiletouserdevice) * [`checkPermissions()`](#checkpermissions) * [`requestPermissions()`](#requestpermissions) * [`addListener('captureSuccessResult', ...)`](#addlistenercapturesuccessresult) * [`addListener('captureErrorResult', ...)`](#addlistenercaptureerrorresult) * [`addListener('captureVideoFinished', ...)`](#addlistenercapturevideofinished) * [`addListener('capturePhotoFinished', ...)`](#addlistenercapturephotofinished) * [`addListener('accelerometerOrientation', ...)`](#addlisteneraccelerometerorientation) * [`removeAllListeners()`](#removealllisteners) * [Interfaces](#interfaces) * [Type Aliases](#type-aliases) ### echo(...) ```typescript echo(options: { value: string; }) => Promise<{ value: string; }> ``` | Param | Type | | ------------- | ------------------------------- | | **`options`** | { value: string; } | **Returns:** Promise<{ value: string; }> -------------------- ### startPreview() ```typescript startPreview() => Promise ``` -------------------- ### stopPreview() ```typescript stopPreview() => Promise ``` -------------------- ### takePhoto() ```typescript takePhoto() => Promise ``` -------------------- ### capturePhoto() ```typescript capturePhoto() => Promise ``` -------------------- ### startRecord() ```typescript startRecord() => Promise ``` -------------------- ### stopRecord() ```typescript stopRecord() => Promise ``` -------------------- ### flipCamera() ```typescript flipCamera() => Promise ``` -------------------- ### getFlashModes() ```typescript getFlashModes() => Promise ``` **Returns:** Promise<any> -------------------- ### setFlashMode() ```typescript setFlashMode() => Promise ``` -------------------- ### isTorchOn() ```typescript isTorchOn() => Promise<{ result: boolean; }> ``` **Returns:** Promise<{ result: boolean; }> -------------------- ### enableTorch(...) ```typescript enableTorch(options: { enable: boolean; }) => Promise ``` | Param | Type | | ------------- | --------------------------------- | | **`options`** | { enable: boolean; } | -------------------- ### isTorchAvailable() ```typescript isTorchAvailable() => Promise<{ result: boolean; }> ``` **Returns:** Promise<{ result: boolean; }> -------------------- ### focus(...) ```typescript focus(options: { x: number; y: number; }) => Promise ``` | Param | Type | | ------------- | -------------------------------------- | | **`options`** | { x: number; y: number; } | -------------------- ### minAvailableZoom() ```typescript minAvailableZoom() => Promise<{ result: number; }> ``` **Returns:** Promise<{ result: number; }> -------------------- ### maxAvailableZoom() ```typescript maxAvailableZoom() => Promise<{ result: number; }> ``` **Returns:** Promise<{ result: number; }> -------------------- ### zoom(...) ```typescript zoom(options: { factor: number; }) => Promise ``` | Param | Type | | ------------- | -------------------------------- | | **`options`** | { factor: number; } | -------------------- ### setQuality(...) ```typescript setQuality(options: { quality: 'low' | 'hq'; }) => Promise ``` | Param | Type | | ------------- | ---------------------------------------- | | **`options`** | { quality: 'low' \| 'hq'; } | -------------------- ### saveFileToUserDevice(...) ```typescript saveFileToUserDevice(options: { filePath: string; }) => Promise ``` | Param | Type | | ------------- | ---------------------------------- | | **`options`** | { filePath: string; } | -------------------- ### checkPermissions() ```typescript checkPermissions() => Promise ``` **Returns:** Promise<PermissionStatus> -------------------- ### requestPermissions() ```typescript requestPermissions() => Promise ``` **Returns:** Promise<PermissionStatus> -------------------- ### addListener('captureSuccessResult', ...) ```typescript addListener(eventName: 'captureSuccessResult', listenerFunc: (data: CaptureSuccessResult) => void) => Promise & PluginListenerHandle ``` | Param | Type | | ------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **`eventName`** | 'captureSuccessResult' | | **`listenerFunc`** | (data: CaptureSuccessResult) => void | **Returns:** Promise<PluginListenerHandle> & PluginListenerHandle -------------------- ### addListener('captureErrorResult', ...) ```typescript addListener(eventName: 'captureErrorResult', listenerFunc: (data: CaptureErrorResult) => void) => Promise & PluginListenerHandle ``` | Param | Type | | ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | **`eventName`** | 'captureErrorResult' | | **`listenerFunc`** | (data: CaptureErrorResult) => void | **Returns:** Promise<PluginListenerHandle> & PluginListenerHandle -------------------- ### addListener('captureVideoFinished', ...) ```typescript addListener(eventName: 'captureVideoFinished', listenerFunc: (data: CaptureResult) => void) => Promise & PluginListenerHandle ``` | Param | Type | | ------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **`eventName`** | 'captureVideoFinished' | | **`listenerFunc`** | (data: CaptureResult) => void | **Returns:** Promise<PluginListenerHandle> & PluginListenerHandle -------------------- ### addListener('capturePhotoFinished', ...) ```typescript addListener(eventName: 'capturePhotoFinished', listenerFunc: (data: CaptureResult) => void) => Promise & PluginListenerHandle ``` | Param | Type | | ------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **`eventName`** | 'capturePhotoFinished' | | **`listenerFunc`** | (data: CaptureResult) => void | **Returns:** Promise<PluginListenerHandle> & PluginListenerHandle -------------------- ### addListener('accelerometerOrientation', ...) ```typescript addListener(eventName: 'accelerometerOrientation', listenerFunc: (data: { orientation: CustomOrientation; }) => void) => Promise & PluginListenerHandle ``` | Param | Type | | ------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **`eventName`** | 'accelerometerOrientation' | | **`listenerFunc`** | (data: { orientation: CustomOrientation; }) => void | **Returns:** Promise<PluginListenerHandle> & PluginListenerHandle -------------------- ### removeAllListeners() ```typescript removeAllListeners() => Promise ``` -------------------- ### Interfaces #### PermissionStatus - `camera` permission allows to take photo and record video without audio. - `microphone` permission allows to record video with audio. | Prop | Type | | ---------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- | | **`camera`** | PermissionState | | **`microphone`** | PermissionState | #### PluginListenerHandle | Prop | Type | | ------------ | ----------------------------------------- | | **`remove`** | () => Promise<void> | #### CaptureSuccessResult Represents the result of a successful capture operation. | Prop | Type | Description | | -------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | **`mimeType`** | 'image/jpeg' \| 'video/mp4' | The MIME type of the captured media. Examples: "image/jpeg", "video/mp4". | | **`name`** | string | The name of the captured media file. Examples: "my-photo.jpg", "my-video.mp4". | | **`path`** | string | The path to the captured media file. Example: "file://path-to-my-video.mp4". | | **`size`** | number | The size of the captured media file in bytes. Example: "7046447". | #### CaptureErrorResult Represents the result of a failed capture operation. | Prop | Type | Description | | ------------------ | ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------ | | **`errorMessage`** | string | The error message describing the cause of the failure. | #### CaptureResult | Prop | Type | Description | | ------------------ | ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **`filePath`** | string | File path for photo or video taken by camera. Example: file://your-app-dir/.../my-video.mp4 | | **`errorMessage`** | string | Error message if any | ### Type Aliases #### PermissionState 'prompt' | 'prompt-with-rationale' | 'granted' | 'denied' #### CustomOrientation 'portraitUp' | 'portraitDown' | 'landscapeRight' | 'landscaperLeft'