sultim-t / Serious-Engine-RT

GNU General Public License v2.0
203 stars 12 forks source link

Serious Engine: Ray Traced

Real-time path tracing support for Serious Engine 1.10.



1) Prerequisites:

1) Clone this repository:

1) Fetch RTGL1 library submodule:

1) Build RTGL1 library:

1) Build shaders:

1) Open solution Sources/AllTFE.sln in Visual Studio and build it.

Other OS

Not supported.


This version of the engine comes with a set of resources (SE1_10.gro) that allow you to freely use the engine without any additional resources required.

However, to run Serious Sam: The First Encounter Ray Traced: 1) Copy files from the original Serious Sam: The First Encounter



This project is licensed under the GNU GPL v2.

x64 port is based on (GNU GPL v2).

Some of the code included with the engine sources is not licensed under the GNU GPL v2: