This is the official website of SEDS UCSD.
)Don't let the random PHP blocks fool you; the site is very much a basic static one with plain HTML/JS/CSS so there isn't really a "build" procedure per se, although you can always run a local HTTP server (I personally use python3 -m http.server
) to see how it'll appear in production.
To deploy to the DigitalOcean droplet, follow the instructions here:
git remote add prod ssh://user@
git push prod master
To push to the GitHub repo and the DigitalOcean droplet simultaneously, follow the instructions here:
git remote add prod
git remote set-url --add --push prod ssh://user@
git remote set-url --add --push prod
git push prod master
To set this new simultaneous deployment remote as the default for git push
git push -u prod master
Make sure fetches always come from the GitHub repo, not the droplet.
to /about/seds
height attributes in engine tables and Ignus-1 text getting cut off