sumitngupta / rails-template

Opinionated Rails template for new applications
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Rails Template for new applications

This should get the developer all the way to the best logical point of generating "Business Logic".

(MVP) Target start to finish time is 30 minutes.

This is an opinionated rails template designed to get from zero to sane quick-start application with Production-worth characteristics. This means that it should not require a lot of manual steps.

If this template requires major updates everytime there are minor changes in the ecosystem, thats a bad sign. Straight file copies from stock templates are to be avoided. They're a pain to maintain.

Please read the entire template to understand all the steps.

Some high level concepts this is going to account for:

Command to run:

rails _6.0.0.beta1_ new PROJECTNAME \
  --skip-test \
  --webpack=react \
  --skip-turbolinks \
  --database=postgresql \
  --skip-coffee \