sunaku / wmiirc

Ruby configuration for WMII window manager
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client rule not workiing #21

Closed ghedamat closed 13 years ago

ghedamat commented 13 years ago

Hi sunaku!

Always ghedamat here!

I've updated my personal fork to your last wmiirc

and noticed a few changes..

in particular I see from your personal config.yaml that client: rule:

has changed...

I've updated my personal config to reflect your changes. but autotagging for new windows no longer works here...

dunno' if it can help but wmiirc.log says:

Logfile created on 2011-02-25 10:49:55 +0100 by logger.rb/25413

I, [2011-02-25T10:49:55.174292 #4936] INFO -- : start W, [2011-02-25T10:49:55.387848 #4936] WARN -- : could not apply some wmii settings: #<Rumai::IXP::Error: file not found -- in reply to #<Rumai::IXP::Twalk:0xa13bcd0 @fields=[#<Rumai::IXP::Struct::Field:0x9f279f8 @name=:tag, @format=2, @countee=nil, @counter=nil>, #<Rumai::IXP::Struct::Field:0x9f19150 @name=:fid, @format=4, @countee=nil, @counter=nil>, #<Rumai::IXP::Struct::Field:0x9f18ac0 @name=:newfid, @format=4, @countee=nil, @counter=nil>, #<Rumai::IXP::Struct::Field:0x9f17d00 @name=:nwname, @format=2, @countee=#<Rumai::IXP::Struct::StringField:0x9f1760c @name=:wname, @format=String, @countee=nil, @counter=#<Rumai::IXP::Struct::Field:0x9f17d00 ...>>, @counter=nil>, #<Rumai::IXP::Struct::StringField:0x9f1760c @name=:wname, @format=String, @countee=nil, @counter=#<Rumai::IXP::Struct::Field:0x9f17d00 @name=:nwname, @format=2, @countee=#<Rumai::IXP::Struct::StringField:0x9f1760c ...>, @counter=nil>>], @values={:fid=>0, :newfid=>7, :wname=>["rules"], :tag=>8}>>

thank you as usual for your great work and help :)

sunaku commented 13 years ago

Which version of wmii are you using? I have:

wmii-hg2785+, ©2010 Kris Maglione
nougad commented 13 years ago

I have problems too. wmii-3.9.2, ©2010 Kris Maglione -- (gentoo)

sunaku commented 13 years ago

I think perhaps 3.9.2 uses the old /rules syntax. If possible please compile & install wmii from hg tip.

ghedamat commented 13 years ago

Well, I've updated to rumai 4.0.0 and to latest wmii-hg version and now everything is working perfectly!

As usual, thank you a lot!