sunaku / wmiirc

Ruby configuration for WMII window manager
ISC License
82 stars 26 forks source link
ruby window-manager yaml-configuration

sunaku's wmii configuration in Ruby and YAML

Floating Tiling

This is a Ruby and YAML based configuration of the wmii window manager. It manipulates wmii through the Rumai library (which speaks directly to wmii via the 9P2000 protocol and features an interactive Ruby shell for live experimentation) and offers a near "Desktop Environment" experience:

All of this can be configured to suit your needs, of course. This wmii configuration was also described in the following articles in the past:

API documentation for Ruby code that powers this configuration is here:




mv ~/.wmii ~/.wmii.backup
mv ~/.wmii-hg ~/.wmii-hg.backup


git clone ~/.wmii
ln -s ~/.wmii ~/.wmii-hg


cd ~/.wmii
make branch


Configuration File Format

All Ruby code snippets in the configuration file have access to a CONFIG constant which contains the data from the fully expanded configuration. They also have access to a SESSION constant which is a hash that is automatically persisted across multiple instances of the wmiirc.



cd ~/.wmii
make rebase

If this fails because Git reports that you have unstaged changes, you can stash your changes away temporarily and restore them after the upgrade:

git stash
make rebase # now it works
git stash apply


To use the development version of Rumai directly from its source code repository (instead of the currently published gem version), run this:

cd ~/.wmii
make rumai


Fork this project on GitHub and send pull requests.

Bugs, Features, Issues, Questions

File a report on the issue tracker.


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Copyright 2006 Suraj N. Kurapati

Released under the ISC license. See the LICENSE file for details.