sunaku / wmiirc

Ruby configuration for WMII window manager
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bar applets not shown #34

Closed 0x64746b closed 12 years ago

0x64746b commented 12 years ago
    - volume:
    - clock:

No problems are indicated in wmiirc.log:

I, [2012-01-09T10:18:39.547018 #17072]  INFO -- : reload
I, [2012-01-09T10:18:39.548205 #17072]  INFO -- : stop
I, [2012-01-09T10:18:39.637789 #17135]  INFO -- : start
sunaku commented 12 years ago

Did the bar applets work properly for you before? Can you think of anything that changed in your environment before this problem occurred?

sunaku commented 12 years ago

If you deleted the top-level status key (in response to issue #35) then I can understand why no status bar applets appear.

0x64746b commented 12 years ago

ok. The applets are working on this machine, but this is a older version of your wmiirc. The other machine is a brand new install of debian wheezy.

I have no idea if I deleted a top level status key in my frantic attempt to port my old config, but it certainly isn't there right now. will check that tomorrow morning.

sunaku commented 12 years ago

Please post the output of git rev-parse master so I can know exactly which "older version" you're using.

0x64746b commented 12 years ago


$ git rev-parse master

but this isn't meaningful, since I had to port 'this' config (actually had a similar one on the other machine) to compensate for the changes in the new config system.

sunaku commented 12 years ago

Thanks, and actually: that is indeed helpful. Running git log c97f0f33903befc79937baae7948bddd7b604589.. shows me all the commits that took place since that older version you were using.

There were a bunch of changes to the config YAML file:

I would recommend that you compare the config.dump file from your old config against the new config to make the transition easier.

0x64746b commented 12 years ago

I'm sorry, I just don't get it -.-

Is this supposed to do anything?

    - volume:
    - clock:


For it doesn't :/

Besides, I think my config generated by make branch doesn't contain a top level status entry (so that I could have a look at the syntax):

% git clone git:// wmiirc
Cloning into 'wmiirc'...
remote: Counting objects: 3661, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1380/1380), done.
remote: Total 3661 (delta 2400), reused 3417 (delta 2217)
Receiving objects: 100% (3661/3661), 552.19 KiB | 639 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (2400/2400), done.
% cd wmiirc
% make branch
git rebase HEAD # ensure that there are no uncommitted changes
Current branch master is up to date.
git remote show upstream || git remote add upstream git://
fatal: 'upstream' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
git fetch upstream
From git://
 * [new branch]      dvorak     -> upstream/dvorak
 * [new branch]      master     -> upstream/master
 * [new branch]      personal   -> upstream/personal
 * [new branch]      qwerty     -> upstream/qwerty
 * [new branch]      strict     -> upstream/strict
git rebase upstream/master
Current branch master is up to date.
git checkout -b personal
Switched to a new branch 'personal'
git checkout upstream/personal -- config.yaml
IMPORTANT: You must now edit config.yaml to suit your needs ...
% grep 'status' config.yaml
  - status/*.yaml
  - status/music/mpd.yaml
% grep '^status' config.yaml
% grep '^  status' config.yaml
jpablobr commented 12 years ago

Yes, it should look something like this (see the weather, volume, etc.. status items). Here is also my config.yaml, the statuses work fine and is a bit simpler than sunaku's config. Also remember to be careful when editing the .yaml files, a wrong indentation will screw-up things! :)

sunaku commented 12 years ago

@jpablobr is correct. And yes, the YAML validator is easily confused by wrong indentation, more so than Ruby's native YAML library.

0x64746b commented 12 years ago

If you deleted the top-level status key (in response to issue #35) then I can understand why no status bar applets appear.

ok, since neither @jpablobr's config nor the generated default one contains a top level status key, I tend to assume that that's not the problem.

This is my display key. And this is my startup log. Nothing surprising I'd think. Still no barlets are shown :(

Any ideas? Tx in advance dtk

sunaku commented 12 years ago

Your pastes look fine to me. I'm stumped. :punch:

sunaku commented 12 years ago

This is related to issue #30. I was able to reproduce this by importing display/status.yaml before display/barlet.yaml. Anyway, it's fixed in dbf9feb61ad0ccedf7b684318cf5031552afd4d3. Cheers.

0x64746b commented 12 years ago

Awesome!! Will check the next days! tia!

0x64746b commented 12 years ago

Indeed! You fixed it! Awesome!