sunaku / wmiirc

Ruby configuration for WMII window manager
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rumai ipx problems #8

Closed ghedamat closed 14 years ago

ghedamat commented 14 years ago

Not sure that I've to post here my issue but i'm going to try :)

Rumai::IXP is giving me some issues.. issues are present using your wmiirc git project and also using the irb-rumai console following your tutorial

for example at this point

irb:> curr_view.areas[2].unshift terms Rumai::IXP::Error: bad value -- in reply to #<Rumai::IXP.................

I get the same kind of error when I try to change the layout (stacked, default, etc) with the appropriate keyboard binding...

I'm not really understanding what's going on here.. Maybe you can help me...

By the way, thanks for this great project! I'm a ruby-wmii lover and this seems great to me!

sunaku commented 14 years ago

Yes, this is the correct place to ask.

Those commands work correctly on my system, so I suspect something is different in your environment.

Which version of Ruby, Rumai, wmii are you using? You need at least:

ghedamat commented 14 years ago

Thanks for your answer! I have been away for the past few days.. I'll try to verify my versions of those packages as soon as possible and i'll let you know! thanks again!

ghedamat commented 14 years ago

ok, i've checked and to me it seems that i mat all of your dependencies with the version you specified of each library...

So I do not know what's going on here..

sunaku commented 14 years ago

Would you mind making a screencast so that I can see exactly what's happening with the terms?

sunaku commented 14 years ago

Please try upgrading to Rumai 3.2.1 and see if the problem still occurs.

ghedamat commented 14 years ago

ok, i've upgraded to rumai 3.2.1, the problem is the same, but now i'm also getting install errors, like: Unrecognized directive 'project' in lib/rumai/inochi.yaml Unrecognized directive 'package' in lib/rumai/inochi.yaml Unrecognized directive 'library' in lib/rumai/inochi.yaml Unrecognized directive 'tagline' in lib/rumai/inochi.yaml Unrecognized directive 'website' in lib/rumai/inochi.yaml Unrecognized directive 'authors' in lib/rumai/inochi.yaml Unrecognized directive 'authors' in lib/rumai/inochi.yaml Unrecognized directive 'version' in lib/rumai/inochi.yaml Unrecognized directive 'release' in lib/rumai/inochi.yaml Unrecognized directive 'runtime' in lib/rumai/inochi.yaml Unrecognized directive 'runtime' in lib/rumai/inochi.yaml Unrecognized directive 'devtime' in lib/rumai/inochi.yaml Unrecognized directive 'devtime' in lib/rumai/inochi.yaml Unrecognized directive 'pub_doc_target' in lib/rumai/inochi.yaml Unrecognized directive 'pub_doc_options' in lib/rumai/inochi.yaml Unrecognized directive 'pub_ann_logins' in lib/rumai/inochi.yaml Unrecognized directive 'pub_ann_raa_id' in lib/rumai/inochi.yaml Unrecognized directive 'gem_spec_logic' in lib/rumai/inochi.yaml Unrecognized directive 'gem_spec_logic' in lib/rumai/inochi.yaml so i think is not your fault but mine, or better it's a problem with my gentoo...

I'm a bit busy these days but I'll try to install rumai and your wmiirc on another distro...

tnx for your help!

I'll let you know!

sunaku commented 14 years ago

Thanks for your feedback. I have fixed the install errors locally and will release a new gem soon.

ghedamat commented 14 years ago

Thanks you for your great job! I'll wait the new release!

sunaku commented 14 years ago

I have released a new 3.2.2 version:

ghedamat commented 14 years ago

tnx! installation now works perfectly

but I'm still having the same issues,

for example when i try to apply the stacked layout to a column i get this error:

but as previously said maybe it's just a problem of my gentoo...

this weekend i'll try to install rumai and your wmiirc into a debian...

as usual thanks for your help!

sunaku commented 14 years ago

Thanks for posting the entire stack trace. It is strange that ~/.wmii-3.5/ is your wmii configuration directory: I suppose you are using wmii 3.6. Could you please try using a newer wmii release (or compile from wmii's hg repository)?

sunaku commented 14 years ago

Any update on this issue?

ghedamat commented 14 years ago

! sorry for the late answer, I was working these days and did not have the time to make other tests.

I've just tried to use this version of wmii

and it seems to work perfecty with rumai! ( or at least changing the layout of a column seems to work :P)

thanks man!

Now i'll try to use it for a while and if I'll find other issues I'll let you know!

Thanks again for your helpl!

sunaku commented 14 years ago

Good, thanks for your feedback.

I have updated the documentation to say wmii 3.9 or newer is needed:

Closing this issue.