sunilkumarmedium / CleanArchitectureApp

Clean Architecture Application Design from Scratch using Dotnet Core 5 WebApi and Angular 11 FrontEnd
MIT License
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Clean Architecture Application Design from Scratch using Dotnet Core 5 WebApi and Angular 11 FrontEnd

MIT license



  1. .Net core 5 SDK
  2. Visual studio 2019 OR VSCode with C# extension
  3. NodeJs (Latest LTS)
  4. Microsoft SQL Server (Optional: If MS SQL server required instead of Sqlite during development)


  1. Clone the repo: git clone
  2. Execute the sql scripts available in the folder /sql/
    • MSSQL use CleanArchitectureDB.sql
    • POSTGRES use CleanArchitectureDB-Postgres
  3. Change the database connectionstring in appsettings.json
    • Path : CleanArchitectureApp.WebApi/appsettings.Development.json or appsettings.json
    • "DBProvider": "MSSQL" , Use MSSQL to connect to Microsoft SqlServer Or POSTGRES to connect to PostgreSQL database
    • "ConnectionStrings": { "MSSQLConnection": "Data Source=DESKTOP-SUNILBO;Initial Catalog=CleanArchitectureDB;User ID=sa;Password=xxx;MultipleActiveResultSets=True", "PostgresConnection": "Server=;Port=5432;Database=CleanArchitectureDB;User Id=postgres;Password=xxx;Timeout=30;TimeZone=UTC" }'
  4. cd to folder CleanArchitectureApp\CleanArchitectureApp.UserInterface.AngularWeb\ClientApp
    • npm install
  5. open the CleanArchitectureApp.sln
    • Visual Studio 2019 IDE
      • opening the solution will restore the nuget and npm packages build the solution
      • Multiple Projects Startup CleanArchitectureApp.WebApi and CleanArchitectureApp.UserInterface.AngularWeb
    • Visual Studio Code
      • Open the folder CleanArchitectureApp alt text
      • Build the Solution
      • Run the Projects CleanArchitectureApp.WebApi and CleanArchitectureApp.UserInterface.AngularWeb alt text
        1. Application URL's
    • Webapi http://localhost:5001 alt text
    • AngularWeb http://localhost:5003 alt text alt text
      1. Test User to Login
    • Username: system
    • Password: admin@123

Cloud Deployment

AWS Lambda Deployment, AWS RDS Instance Creation and Managing the database connectionstring using AWS Systems Manager

Read the below articles to get some understanding on the AWS RDS , Lambda and Systems Manager.

Change the settings in appsettings.json IsCloudDeployment Region CloudSSMConnectionString

"IsCloudDeployment": "true",
  "Region": "ap-south-1",
  "DBProvider": "POSTGRES" ,
  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "MSSQLConnection": "Data Source=DESKTOP-SUNILBO;Initial Catalog=CleanArchitectureDB;User ID=sa;Password=admin@123;MultipleActiveResultSets=True",
    "PostgresConnection": "Server=;Port=5432;Database=CleanArchitectureDB;User Id=postgres;Password=admin@123;Timeout=30;TimeZone=UTC",
    "CloudSSMConnectionString": "/CleanArchitectureAppWebApi/postgresconnection"

Docker Container Deployment


Follow these steps to get your development environment: (Before Run Start the Docker Desktop)

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Once Docker for Windows is installed, go to the Settings > Advanced option, from the Docker icon in the system tray, to configure the minimum amount of memory and CPU like so:
    • Memory: 4 GB
    • CPU: 2
  3. At the root directory which include docker-compose.yml files, run below command:
    docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml up -d

    alt text alt text

  4. Launch Url's