sunkper / Project-Summer-Island

A 3D scene made with Godot, inspired by Boku no Natsuyasumi 2.
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Project Summer Island

Project Summer Island (PSI) is a small 3D scene made with Godot Engine. It is a re-creation of and fan work based on a scene from 2002 game Boku no Natsuyasumi 2.

:floppy_disk: Downloads | :tv: Tour video on YouTube | :framed_picture: Screenshots

Although you can move around the scene and there are some interactive elements (plus a little puzzle-ish thing or two) this is a non-game scene. You can see controls in the initial screen and you can always bring up the control help with F1 key. You can take screenshots with F12 key, and they will be saved to Godot Engine's user folder. (Windows for example, C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\Project Summer Island)

This is my first 3D scene! It's my baby steps into 3D content creation, a learning project. You get the idea. It's fairly unoptimized and, I think, inefficient, as you may can tell from the long loading time and performace.

System requirements? With my low-end GPU (GTX 1050Ti), and at 720p, it generally runs at over 40 fps (50 to 60 at less busy view, 30 something at the busiest view). As I said this is pretty unpotimized scene, if your system is weaker than mine this scene may give your system a hard time. So be aware.

This source release is definitley NOT intended as a good example of 3D scene in Godot or pre-made assets. Of course you can use assets and code here as per the license if you know what you're doing or don't mind. Also be aware that the tool scripts (like MergeToMultiMesh) I made for this project are for quick and specific tasks and may not be suitable for a general use. I only release this scene so someone can poke around it and see if they can learn anything even from my mistakes. (Also I'd appreciate some advices too ;))

Also see the issue board for known issues.

Tools Used


Some thoughts


Godot version

This project is made with Godot Engine 3.2.1.

Plugins Used

Plugins are now included in this repositary. Since I did some modifications to Qodot plugin and overwrote its default FGD file, this removes some complications.


My original creations are licensed under MIT License. HOWEVER as this is a re-creation of a scene from a commerical game, there are important caveats. Please refer to License file.


This scene is made by me, SunkPer. :sunny: You can follow me on Twitter.

As a learning project I tried to make most of the assets myself, but there are some things that are out of my capabilities and used other people's work. (Notably characrer models and shaders.) Also some elements are included because I thought it would be cool :sunglasses: See credits page for details.

Special Thanks