sunrisemvmtnyc / legislation-tracker

Easy, intuitive legislation tracker made by the Sunrise Digital Tools team
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Legislation Tracker

A tracker that shows the sponsors of a bill and the current status of a bill in the New York State Legislature (Assembly and Senate) and the New York City Council.

Compare to the existing spreadsheet.


API keys

Your .env file will look like this:

# REQUIRED - bill data
# Sign up for key here:

# REQUIRED - sunrise bill campaigns
# The token "base" is the shared sunrise legislation tracker
# The token "scopes" are data.records:read and schema.bases:read
# Guide to create personal access token:

# OPTIONAL - needed for `legislators/search/offices`
# How to get key:

# OPTIONAL - needed for mapbox geocoding
# How to get key:

Local development

  1. Clone this repo locally
  2. Create a new file at the root of this project called .env
  3. In the .env file, add the required API keys (see below).
  4. At the root of this project, in your Terminal or Powershell, run docker compose build && docker compose up
  5. Visit http://localhost:5173/

File formatting

Install prettier to format your code. You can use this in your workspace settings JSON:

    "[javascript]": {
        "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
        "editor.formatOnSave": true,

If you install eslint, you will see errors highlighted in VSCode.