suntong / emacs.d

emacs.d for my emacs-traditional
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This is my modularized .emacs.d. Two key niches separate mine with others:

It's offered to the public for educational purposes only. If you mean to use it as your own, no support is offered whatsoever because I'm not a elisp developer at all.

For Emacs Traditional

This is a companion for Emacs Traditional, as it is using packages directly from MELPA as oppose to the OS level packages. It has many advantages, including but not limited to, Emacs Traditional Precise Scrolling:

Emacs Traditional Precise Scrolling

Here is the video version of the above screencast:

IDE out of the box


Here is the video version of the above screencast:


To install it,

rm -rf ~/.emacs.d # CAREFUL! Do once and backup first!
mkdir ~/.emacs.d
# do this every time when file(s) are newly added/deleted
[ -d lisp ] && [ -d site-lisp ] && lndir `pwd` ~/.emacs.d && symlinks -rd ~/.emacs.d/