sup3rgiu / MStreamDownloader

Video downloader for Microsoft Stream
MIT License
34 stars 6 forks source link
downloader microsoft microsoftstream


Download Microsoft Stream videos.

This project was originally based on

Improvements in this fork:

PoliMi students can use this fork too:


Windows Installation instructions

(On others OS is pretty much the same)

N.B: this video was done for, but the process is the same.


Default usage:

$ node downloader.js -v ""

Show options:

$ node downloader.js -h

  --version              Show version number                           [boolean]
  -v, --videoUrls                                             [array] [required]
  -u, --username         Your Microsoft Email                           [string]
  -m, --polimi           PoliMi Login. If set, use Codice Persona as username
                                                    [boolean] [default: false]
  -o, --outputDirectory                             [string] [default: "videos"]
  -q, --quality          Video Quality, usually [0-5]                   [number]
  -k, --noKeyring        Do not use system keyring    [boolean] [default: false]
  -c, --conn             Number of simultaneous connections [1-16]
                                                        [number] [default: 16]
  -h, --help             Show help                                     [boolean]

Multiple videos download:

$ node downloader.js -v "" "" ""

Define default video quality [0-5] (avoid manual prompt for each video):

$ node downloader.js -v "" -q 4

Output directory (relative or absoulte path):

$ node downloader.js -v "" -o "/my/path/here"

Define number of simultaneous connection used to download [1-16, default: 16]:

$ node downloader.js -v "" -c 10

Do not use system keyring to save the password:

$ node downloader.js -v "" -k

Use Politecnico di Milano (Italy) login instead of default one (only for PoliMi students!) (PoliMi students can use this fork too:

$ node downloader.js -v "" -m

You can omit the password argument. MStreamDownloader will ask for it interactively and then save it securely in system's keychain for the next use.


Project originally based on
Fork powered by @sup3rgiu
Improvements: - Multithreading download (much faster) - API Usage - Video Quality Choice - And More :)
Using aria2 version 1.35.0
Using ffmpeg version git-2020-03-06-cfd9a65 Copyright (c) 2000-2020 the FFmpeg developers

Launching headless Chrome to perform the OpenID Connect dance...
Navigating to STS login page...
We are logged in.
Got required authentication cookies.

Start downloading video:

Video title is: SALIONI ALBERTO  088805-FISICA TECNICA (712804)

[0] 320x180
[1] 480x270
[2] 640x360
[3] 960x540
[4] 1280x720
[5] 1920x1080
Choose the desired resolution: 5

03/10 20:47:14 [NOTICE] Downloading 898 item(s)


At this point Chrome's job is done, shutting it down...

The video is now saved under videos/, or whatever the outputDirectory argument points to.