supabase / realtime-js

An isomorphic Javascript client for Supabase Realtime server.
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Supabase Realtime Client

Send ephemeral messages with Broadcast, track and synchronize state with Presence, and listen to database changes with Postgres Change Data Capture (CDC).

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# Overview This client enables you to use the following Supabase Realtime's features: - **Broadcast**: send ephemeral messages from client to clients with minimal latency. Use cases include sharing cursor positions between users. - **Presence**: track and synchronize shared state across clients with the help of CRDTs. Use cases include tracking which users are currently viewing a specific webpage. - **Postgres Change Data Capture (CDC)**: listen for changes in your PostgreSQL database and send them to clients. # Usage ## Installing the Package ```bash npm install @supabase/realtime-js ``` ## Creating a Channel ```js import { RealtimeClient } from '@supabase/realtime-js' const client = new RealtimeClient(REALTIME_URL, { params: { apikey: API_KEY }, }) const channel ='test-channel', {}) channel.subscribe((status, err) => { if (status === 'SUBSCRIBED') { console.log('Connected!') } if (status === 'CHANNEL_ERROR') { console.log(`There was an error subscribing to channel: ${err.message}`) } if (status === 'TIMED_OUT') { console.log('Realtime server did not respond in time.') } if (status === 'CLOSED') { console.log('Realtime channel was unexpectedly closed.') } }) ``` ### Notes: - `REALTIME_URL` is `'ws://localhost:4000/socket'` when developing locally and `'wss://'` when connecting to your Supabase project. - `API_KEY` is a JWT whose claims must contain `exp` and `role` (existing database role). - Channel name can be any `string`. ## Broadcast Your client can send and receive messages based on the `event`. ```js // Setup... const channel ='broadcast-test', { broadcast: { ack: false, self: false } }) channel.on('broadcast', { event: 'some-event' }, (payload) => console.log(payload) ) channel.subscribe(async (status) => { if (status === 'SUBSCRIBED') { // Send message to other clients listening to 'broadcast-test' channel await channel.send({ type: 'broadcast', event: 'some-event', payload: { hello: 'world' }, }) } }) ``` ### Notes: - Setting `ack` to `true` means that the `channel.send` promise will resolve once server replies with acknowledgement that it received the broadcast message request. - Setting `self` to `true` means that the client will receive the broadcast message it sent out. - Setting `private` to `true` means that the client will use RLS to determine if the user can connect or not to a given channel. ## Presence Your client can track and sync state that's stored in the channel. ```js // Setup... const channel = 'presence-test', { config: { presence: { key: '' } } } ) channel.on('presence', { event: 'sync' }, () => { console.log('Online users: ', channel.presenceState()) }) channel.on('presence', { event: 'join' }, ({ newPresences }) => { console.log('New users have joined: ', newPresences) }) channel.on('presence', { event: 'leave' }, ({ leftPresences }) => { console.log('Users have left: ', leftPresences) }) channel.subscribe(async (status) => { if (status === 'SUBSCRIBED') { const status = await channel.track({ 'user_id': 1 }) console.log(status) } }) ``` ## Postgres CDC Receive database changes on the client. ```js // Setup... const channel ='db-changes') channel.on('postgres_changes', { event: '*', schema: 'public' }, (payload) => { console.log('All changes in public schema: ', payload) }) channel.on('postgres_changes', { event: 'INSERT', schema: 'public', table: 'messages' }, (payload) => { console.log('All inserts in messages table: ', payload) }) channel.on('postgres_changes', { event: 'UPDATE', schema: 'public', table: 'users', filter: 'username=eq.Realtime' }, (payload) => { console.log('All updates on users table when username is Realtime: ', payload) }) channel.subscribe(async (status) => { if (status === 'SUBSCRIBED') { console.log('Ready to receive database changes!') } }) ``` ## Get All Channels You can see all the channels that your client has instantiatied. ```js // Setup... client.getChannels() ``` ## Cleanup It is highly recommended that you clean up your channels after you're done with them. - Remove a single channel ```js // Setup... const channel ='some-channel-to-remove') channel.subscribe() client.removeChannel(channel) ``` - Remove all channels ```js // Setup... const channel1 ='a-channel-to-remove') const channel2 ='another-channel-to-remove') channel1.subscribe() channel2.subscribe() client.removeAllChannels() ``` ## Credits This repo draws heavily from [phoenix-js]( ## License MIT.