Let's help Bobble-Bot better understand where he's at and where he's going! This issue will track development effort required to get Bobble-Bot publishing the ROS standard odometry message. This is an important first step towards integrating with ROS libraries that can assist with SLAM.
Detailed Description
We'd like to update Bobble-Bot to support publishing the ROS standard navigation message responsible for reporting the robot's odometry. The standard message is defined here. We believe the BalanceBaseController is the appropriate class to add this capability to.
Help Bobble-Bot Navigate
Let's help Bobble-Bot better understand where he's at and where he's going! This issue will track development effort required to get Bobble-Bot publishing the ROS standard odometry message. This is an important first step towards integrating with ROS libraries that can assist with SLAM.
Detailed Description
We'd like to update Bobble-Bot to support publishing the ROS standard navigation message responsible for reporting the robot's odometry. The standard message is defined here. We believe the BalanceBaseController is the appropriate class to add this capability to.
Additional References
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