superbob / clicker-heroes-1.0-hsoptimizer

Clicker Heroes 1.0 HS Optimizer
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Clicker Heroes 1.0 HS Optimizer

Here are the sources of the Clicker Heroes 1.0 HS Optimizer.

It is based on formulas proposed in Math and Transcendance by /u/sugima and Updated Rules of Thumb! by /u/TinDragon plus some other formulas gathered from here and there, to compute the idle, active and hybrid builds. Nogardnit level is taken from Anyone done the math on Nogardtin yet?.

Main formulas can be found in formulas.service.js.

The "algorithm" used to optimize can be found in hsoptimizer.service.js in the computeOptimumLevels function.

The rest is spread across all the other files.

Build Status


This project is generated with Yeoman generator for AngularJS + Gulp version 1.1.0.


You need node/npm in recent versions (5.x/3.x), for example:

$ node --version

$ npm --version

Then you need gulp and bower installed globally:

npm install -g yo gulp bower

Finally you need to install project dependencies:

npm install && bower install

Build & development

Run gulp for building and gulp serve for preview.


Running gulp test will run the unit tests with karma.