Bug: [kick-message-with-time: show {reason} at the end of the phrase]
kick-message-with-time: "§cBaneado por un administrador{line}§dMotivo: §7{reason}{line}§bTermina el dia: §a{time}{line}§6Apelaciones: §5discord.gg/x3a3wjsdTT"
[I've done...]
[1. Ban a player with a random time (1 minute, 3 hours, whatever you prefer)]
[2. Set a random reason such as AAAAAAAA]
[3. When the player has been banned, the reason will appear at the end of the ban even if you have not put it there.]
Bug: [kick-message-with-time: show {reason} at the end of the phrase]
BetterBan Version: 1.4.1 Server-OS: Ubuntu PHP Version: 8.0 PocketMine-MP Version: 4.2.3
readjustment instructions
[I've done...] [1. Ban a player with a random time (1 minute, 3 hours, whatever you prefer)] [2. Set a random reason such as AAAAAAAA] [3. When the player has been banned, the reason will appear at the end of the ban even if you have not put it there.]
fix suggestions [optional]