supercrafter333 / BetterBan

A plugin for PocketMine-MP to simply ban players for a certain period of time.
Apache License 2.0
16 stars 8 forks source link
forms plugin pmmp pocketmine pocketmine-mp pocketmine-tempban tempban tempbanui timeban ui


BetterBan - v4.2.2

Would you like to ban players for a certain period of time? Then BetterBan is just right for you! Easily ban players for a certain time and configure a bit in config.yml.

I would be very happy if you leave a star for this project.



Mutes & Warns?

Please DO NOT open issues with suggestions like "Can you add mutes/warns?"! I already have plugins for this, theWarn to warn players and BetterMute which can be found on poggit.

Bugs - none

You've found a Bug?


Command Description
/ban <player> [reason: ...] [time: ...] Ban a player
/banlog <player> See the ban-count of an player
/baninfo <player> See ban informations for a player
/editban <player> <addbantime/reducebantime> <time> Edit a ban of a player
/pardon <player> Unban a player
/ban-ip <ip> [reason: ...] [time: ...] Ban a ip
/editipban <ip> <addbantime/reducebantime> <time> Edit a Ip-Ban
/pardon-ip <ip> Unban a ip
/kick <player> Kick a player
/betterban Open the BetterBan-Form


This Plugin is licensed under the Apache License 2.0! Plugin by supercrafter333!


Owner: supercrafter333

Helper: @Tobias-2006

Icon: Tenor GIF

Discord-Tag: supercrafter333#4062