superfell / zkSforce

Cocoa library for calling the Web Services API
MIT License
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objective-c osx salesforce

ZKSforce Build Status

ZKSforce is a cocoa library for calling the Web Services APIs, easily integrate Salesforce into your OSX and iOS projects. (supports OSX 10.9+, iOS 9+)

ZKSforce supports all of the partner web services API, including

In general the client acts just like the Web Services API, however in a few places it has some smarts to make your life easier.

Usage is really straight forward, create an instance of the ZKSforceClient class, call login, then call the other operations as needed. All calls that might result in a HTTP request use an async blocks based methods. e.g.

    ZKSforceClient *sforce = [[ZKSforceClient alloc] init];
    [sforce login:username password:password
        failBlock:^(NSError *err) {
            [[NSAlert alertWithError:err] runModal];
        CompleteBlock:^(ZKLoginResult *result) {
            NSLog(@"Hello %@", result.userInfo.userFullName);

All the callback block run on the main thread/queue. If you'd like the callbacks to run on a specific queue, there's version of each API call that takes an additional queue parameter to set the callback queue.

Once logged in, you can use the other methods, e.g. create a new Contact, by construct a ZKSObject instance, populating the field values, and then calling create.

    ZKSObject *contact = [ZKSObject withType:@"Contact"];
    [contact setFieldValue:@"Fell" field:@"LastName"];
    [contact setFieldValue:@"Simon" field:@"FirstName"];
    [sforce create:@[contact]
        failBlock:^(NSError *err) {
            [[NSAlert alertWithError:err] runModal];
        CompleteBlock:^(NSArray *result) {
            ZKSaveResult *sr = result[0];
            if ([sr success])
                NSLog(@"new contact id %@", [sr id]);
                NSLog(@"error creating contact %@ %@", [sr statusCode], [sr message]);

As well as the traditional username and password login, there's also support for working with OAuth based authentication, you can pass it the finalized callbackURL you receive at the end of the oauth login flow, and it'll automatically extract all the parameters it needs from that URL.

    ZKSforceClient *sforce = [[ZKSforceClient alloc] init];
    NSError *err = [sforce loginFromOAuthCallbackUrl:callbackUrl oAuthConsumerKey:OAUTH_CLIENTID];
    if (err != nill) {
        [[NSAlert alertWithError:err] runModal];
    // use as normal

You'll need to store the refresh_token and authHost somewhere safe, like the keychain. Then when you restart, you can pass these to ZKSforceClient to initialize it. It'll automatically use the refresh token service to get a new sessionId.

ZKSforceClient *sforce = [[ZKSforceClient alloc] init];
[sforce loginWithRefreshToken:refreshToken authUrl:authHost oAuthConsumerKey:OAUTH_CLIENTID
        failBlock:^(NSError *err) {
            [[NSAlert alertWithError:err] runModal];
            NSLog(@"Successfully initialized from refresh token");
// See the OAuthDemo sample for more info.

Date/Time formats

The way date/times are serialized changed in v35.0.2. The timestamp sent over the wire is now in UTC, whereas before the timestamp was sent in the users local timezone (with the correct offset applied). The exact same logical timestamp is sent, so there's no change in behavior in terms of how NSDates are mapped to dateTimes in salesforce, just a difference in the offset in the serialized dateTime. If for some reason you are calling the ZKSoapDate asString methods yourself, the resulting string is different. [Although i can't imagine why you're doing this].

Unit Tests

The zkSforceTests directory contains a project with a number of tests in it, these tests are focused on the hand coded supporting classes, and generally don't test the classes that get code gen'd from the WSDL.

About Salesforce API retirement

During 2022 Salesforce are planning to retire API versions v7 through v20. Also planned for 2023 is the retirement of versions v21 through v30. If you're on an older version of zkSforce you'll need to update to a newer version in order for your integrations to continue to work. Or you will at least have to change the API version that you are configuring zkSforce to use. How much work this update will be depends on what version you're currently on. Below are details of when major changes in the library happened.

Updating from older versions

In general ZKSforce is updated when the Salesforce API is updated, usually 2 or 3 times a year. Most of the time changes are limited to those that mirror the changes in the Salesforce API. Sometimes larger structural changes are made as well. Salesforce has a strong versioning policy for APIs, so if your App is working fine, there's no need to continually upgrade, upgrade when you need to take advantage of some API addition.

Major changes at v51

Classes generated from complex types in the WSDL have a number of changes.

Major changes at v47

v47 is a major change that cleans up some OS API deprecations, as well as completely modernizing the Objective-C API to ZKSforce to use async methods with block for all requests that can result in network requests. If you're migrating from an earlier version and had already adopted the async/block based methods, then you have some minor changes to deal with

If you're migrating from an earlier version and are still using the synchronous API calls, then you have more work ahead of you.

Regardless of which API styles you were using, there's also a few other changes.

Major changes at v44

v44 includes changes to adopt the use of ARC and modern objective-c features.

Major changes at v29

v29 is a major update where a significant amount of the code is now code-generated from the partner WSDL, because of this there are a number of API changes that might affect an existing project that you're trying to update to this version of zkSforce.

Project setup (via CocoaPods)

The easiest way to get ZKSforce integrated into your app is to use CocoaPods, the Cocoa dependency manager framework, simply create a Podfile, e.g.

platform :osx
pod 'ZKSforce', '~> 51.0.0'

and run pod install myApp.xcodeproj

Project setup (manual)

In order to support usage on both OSX & iOS, the library uses libxml as its XML parser rather than NSXML, which isn't fully implemented on iOS. Once you've added all the .h & .m files to your project, you'll need to goto the build settings and add /usr/include/libxml2 to the Header Search Paths, and add libxml2.dylib to the linked frameworks section. Then you should be good to go. For OSX you'll also need to add Security framework to the list of linked Frameworks. The Wiki has a detailed write up on these steps.