superpoweredSDK / Low-Latency-Android-iOS-Linux-Windows-tvOS-macOS-Interactive-Audio-Platform

🇸Superpowered Audio, Networking and Cryptographics SDKs. High performance and cross platform on Android, iOS, macOS, tvOS, Linux, Windows and modern web browsers.
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aes android audio cpp cryptography fft hashing hls https ios json linux macos midi rsa spatialization time-stretch usb-audio webassembly windows

Superpowered Inc develops the leading portable C++ Audio SDK, C++ Networking SDK, and C++ Crypto SDK featuring low-power and real-time latency. With builds for Desktop, Mobile, IoT and Embedded Devices, portable and cross-platform on Android, iOS, macOS, tvOS, Linux and Windows as well as processor-specific builds for ARM32, ARM64, x86, and x64.

Technology, SDKs and Code

Superpowered Inc develops the following interactive audio, networking and cryptographics SDKs and infrastructure:

1. Superpowered C++ Audio Library and SDK for Android, iOS, macOS, tvOS, Linux and Windows.

Superpowered C++ Audio Library and SDK is the leading C++ Audio Library featuring low-power, real-time latency and cross-platform audio players, audio decoders, Fx (effects), audio I/O, streaming, music analysis and spatialization.

For the most up-to-date feature list, see: For the latest API reference check the docsite:

2. Superpowered C++ Networking Library and SDK for Android, iOS, macOS, tvOS, Linux and Windows.

The Superpowered C++ Networking Library and SDK was designed from the ground-up to provide the easiest cross-platform way for a client to communicate with the back-end. It implements HTTP and HTTPS communication with custom data and header support, progress handling, file uploads/downloads and more. It reduces implementation, debug and maintenance time of typical tasks such as REST API requests, OAuth and bearer token authorization, or digital media streaming. It operates identically on all platforms, removing the pain of writing wrappers and finding quirks around the operating system's networking API, while it's fully self-contained and independent from it. The SDK also has a JSON parser to offer a complete package for your everyday networking and parsing needs.

For the most up-to-date feature list, see:

3. Superpowered C++ Cryptographics Library and SDK for Android, iOS, macOS, tvOS, Linux and Windows.

Superpowered Crypto offers the easiest cross-platform way to implement RSA public and private key cryptography, AES encryption and hashing functions (SHA, MD5). Unlike other cryptographics libraries designed for crypto enthusiasts with myriads of options and complex APIs, Superpowered Crypto has direct one-liner calls for signing, verification, encryption and decryption, solving the most common use-cases in the quickest way.

For the most up-to-date feature list, see:

4. Superpowered HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) audio for Android, iOS, macOS, tvOS, Linux and Windows.

Background information:

5. Superpowered USB Audio and USB MIDI for Android

The Superpowered USB Audio and MIDI features for Android takes over MIDI device handling, providing low latency and low jitter (below 2 ms) access to MIDI devices for 1.4 billion Android devices, that is, 90+% of all Android devices on Google Play. It’s the Android equivalent of iOS Core Audio and Core MIDI for USB devices.

For additional info, please see:

6. Superpowered has developed a system-space solution for Android's 10 ms Problem.

Interested parties should read:

Supported Platforms

Superpowered is cross-platform: ALL SUPERPOWERED C++ CODE CAN BE COPY-PASTED between Android, iOS, macOS, tvOS, Linux and Windows.


Example Projects


Four simple Universal Windows Platform example projects in a single Visual Studio solution. Shows how to:

/Examples_iOS/SuperpoweredCrossExample, /Examples_Android/CrossExample

A fully-functional DJ app project example. Shows how to:

/Examples_iOS/SuperpoweredFrequencyDomain, /Examples_Android/FrequencyDomain

Simple time domain to frequency domain transformation with buffering and windowing. Shows how to:

/Examples_iOS/uperpoweredHLSExample, /Examples_Linux/src/hls.cpp

HTTP Live Streaming example project.

/Examples_iOS/SuperpoweredOfflineProcessingExample, /Examples_Linux/src/offlineX.cpp

Advanced example. Decodes an audio file, applies an effect or time stretching and saves the result in WAV. Shows how to:


Simple 8-band frequency analyzer. Shows how to:

/SuperpoweredPerformance (iOS)

It compares several Superpowered features to Core Audio.


Shows how to use a single effect (input -> fx -> output).


Shows how to use a player (for local, progressive download or HLS playback).


Shows how to record the microphone input using Superpowered Recorder.

/Examples_macOS/ambi (OSX)

Simple ambisonics implementation based on the Superpowered Spatializer.


This project comes with two example apps, a simple and a complex example app.

Simple USB Example App:

The simple example app demonstrates an easy audio setup, similar to how iOS handles USB audio devices. It also receives and displays MIDI. The audio functionality of the simple example app will cover most mobile audio use cases.

Complex USB Example App:

The complex example app demonstrates full USB audio discovery, for the use case of sophisticated DAW and recording apps. It displays the various input and output options, audio paths and hardware controls of a USB audio device. Hardware controls can be manipulated and advanced thru audio paths can be enabled.

If an audio output is selected without an audio input, the complex example sends a sine wave to every output channel. If both audio output and audio input are selected, then loopback or round-trip latency measurement are available.

This means that the complex example app is also a testing tool to discover a USB audio device’s advanced features, test audio quality, glitches and latency.


Shows how to use a player and apply a single effect.


Shows how to use a player and apply a single effect.


Shows how to generate a sine wave.


Superpowered USB Audio classes for Android are compatible from Android 19 (KitKat 4.4) onwards. That’s the first Android version where proper scheduling priorities were implemented for low latency audio. This covers more than 75% active Android devices today.

Android Studio

Before running any Android example project, please install the Android NDK version 25.1.8937393 (Tools → SDK Manager → SDK Tools → NDK (Side by side)). Furthermore, turn off Instant Run in the settings, because the Instant Run feature of Android Studio is not compatible with native C++ Android projects.

How to create a Superpowered project with Android Studio

Prerequisites: latest Android SDK, Android NDK, Android Studio installed. Steps:

  1. Create a new project in Android Studio.
  2. Create the cpp folder inside the project's folder: app/src/main/jni
  3. Copy the contents of the following files from one of the example projects: gradle/wrapper/, build.gradle, app/build.gradle, app/CMakeLists.txt
  4. Open build.gradle (Module: app), and change the applicationId


Superpowered offers multiple support options.

Developer Documentation (C++ and JavaScript):


Knowledge base:



Paid support options:


For details, please see:

For licensing inquiries, please email

Custom Application Development Services

Superpowered offers custom development services focusing on low-latency, interactive audio applications for mobile, web, desktop and embedded.

For development inquiries, please email


If you want to be informed about new code releases, bug fixes, general news and information about Superpowered, please email

For licensing inquiries, please email


Superpowered FFT benefits from ideas in Construction of a High-Performance FFT by Eric Postpischil (

The Superpowered MP3 and AAC decoder benefits from optimizations by Ken Cooke.

Superpowered version 2.7.2