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TLS-enabling YOUR network!
MIT License
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A proof-of-concept tool for TLS-enabling YOUR network!

What's it for?

Let's Encrypt is great for Internet-facing servers. Unfortunately, using TLS certificate for local network devices is challenging for most end-users. For example, many local devices may be located and connected to by IP address, which prevents valid TLS certificates from being used. Many end-users also do not have their own domain, which prevents them from obtaining certificates even through manual processes. solves these issues by using an approach pioneered by Plex. With, a wildcard certificate is issued for * A DNS server resolves to A.B.C.D, so network devices can still be accessed by IP address. By ensuring the expected accountid is in the hostname, users can have reasonable assurance that they are communicating with the expected device. In this case, the accountid is a base36 fingerprint of your Let's Encrypt account public key.

This model does require you to trust, as a wildcard certificate for * could always be issued, or a rogue certificate for your accountid. However, Certificate Transparency logs can be used to verify that no rogue certificates are created. Additionally, it is envisioned that network device manufacturers might use their own domains instead, and by using their devices you already implicitly somewhat trust them.

How does it work?

You create a Let's Encrypt account with your own public/private key pair. does not have access to the private key. When you want a wildcard certificate issued for *, you first request a DNS-01 challenge from Let's Encrypt using certbot (or another ACME client). The certificate public/private key pair is generated locally on your machine, and the private key is never exposed to or Let's Encrypt. Once the DNS-01 challenge is received, the client sends a domain validation request to the web server, which is signed with your Let's Encrypt account private key. This proves control over the corresponding public key, whose thumbprint is used as the subdomain. Put another way, without someone's Let's Encrypt account private key, you cannot submit a domain validation request for their corresponding subdomain. The domain validation request is simply the validation token that Let's Encrypt verifies matches the TXT record for The same DNS responder answers these TXT challenges, and communicates with the web server over a simple redis instance. When a properly-signed domain validation request is received by the web server, a corresponding key is temporarily stored in a local redis instance, accessible only on localhost. The value is simply the validation token.

What limitations are there?

First off, this is designed to be a proof-of-concept and NOT a production service. Let's Encrypt limits the number of subdomains that can be requested per week to 50, so this can't scale beyond limited experimentation.

How do I use it?

These instructions assume you have pipenv installed in a UNIX-like environment.

1) Clone the repository, install dependencies, and activate the virtualenv:

   git clone
   pipenv install
   pipenv shell

2) Create a ~/.letsencrypt directory to store your account credentials and certificates:

   mkdir ~/.letsencrypt
   chmod 700 ~/.letsencrypt

3) Create a Let's Encrypt account:

   certbot --config-dir=$HOME/.letsencrypt --work-dir=$HOME/.letsencrypt \
     --logs-dir=$HOME/.letsencrypt register

4) Set the ACME_ACCT_KEY environment variable:

   export ACME_ACCT_KEY=`find $HOME/.letsencrypt -name private_key.json`

5) Request the certificate (from inside the repo directory):

   certbot --config-dir=$HOME/.letsencrypt --work-dir=$HOME/.letsencrypt \
     --logs-dir=$HOME/.letsencrypt certonly --manual \
     --manual-auth client/ -d `client/`

If all goes well, your new certificate should be in ~/.letsencrypt/live/*