supertestnet / superstore

A simple bitcoin webstore with whisper addresses for enhanced privacy
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
97 stars 28 forks source link

Superstore is now called Magic Webstore

A simple bitcoin webstore with whisper addresses for enhanced privacy


What is this?

Magic Webstore is a solution to the following problem: I often wish I had a store where I could sell stuff, but then I remember how hard it is to set up a store. First you need a server -- which probably costs money, unless you self host one, which is hard -- then you need to set up the store, which means styling it, adding payment methods, connecting a bank account or paypal or stripe or similar (and dealing with their fees), then add shipping options, then add your products, then -- assuming you want to accept bitcoin too -- you've probably got to install some special software or a special plugin or give custody to some third party. And you also lose your privacy because you're probably giving your xpubs to those folks too.

What if there was a simpler way?

Nostr makes a lot of stuff that used to need a server not need one anymore. Or at least, you can often use a public nostr relay instead of a regular server. So I wondered if I could make a simple webstore that removes almost all of the hassles I've experienced in the past. So behold Magic Webstore:

How do I try it?

Just visit this link:

You'll be guided through a simple three step procedure: first, backup your "magic string" (which is just your nostr private key and a set of default relays, hex encoded), then log in with it, then start creating your store. There is hardly any setup process for the store itself, you just name it and immediately start adding products. When you're done you'll get a shareable link where anyone can view your store.

Important! Save your magic string. It contains your private key which you'll need to access your money and manage your store. If you lose your magic string you lose your money. Keep it secret, keep it safe!

Also make sure you withdraw your money from the store frequently. The site uses whisper keys, which are sent to you in dms and not stored anywhere except on whatever relays you use. I personally don't trust nostr relays to store my dms forever so I recommend you withdraw your money quickly when you receive it, don't just let it sit there for weeks on end or the nostr relay you are connected to might delete your dms or go offline and leave you stranded without access to your money

How do I self host it?

Check out this repo into a directory on your web server. Go to /superstore on your website (e.g. and set up your store in the same way as described above.

If you already have your website in its own git repo, you can add superstore as a git submodule. To do so, run this command:

git submodule add --name superstore signet/superstore

After that, you'll have to commit the superstore directory and the .gitmodules file and push it to your git server as usual.

Then when you check out the repo on the web server, use the --recursive flag. If you already have it checked out on the web server, you can force git to pull in the submodules like so:

git submodule update --init

After running that you should have a superstore directory in your web root.

What are some upcoming features?

Not sure. Usually after I get a project to a state like this one is in I abandon it in favor of something else that's more exciting. But if I do keep at it I'd like to add these features:

Things that used to be upcoming features but are now added (or fixed, if they were bugs)