superxuang / caffe_3d_faster_rcnn

Caffe for 3D organ localization in CT image
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Caffe with 3D Faster R-CNN

This is a modified version of Caffe which supports the 3D Faster R-CNN framework and 3D Region Proposal Network as described in our paper [Efficient Multiple Organ Localization in CT Image using 3D Region Proposal Network](Early access on IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging).

This code has been compiled and passed on Windows 7 (64 bits) using Visual Studio 2013.

How to build

Requirements: Visual Studio 2013, ITK-4.10, CUDA 8.0 and cuDNN v5

Pre-Build Steps

Please make sure CUDA and cuDNN have been installed correctly on your computer.

Clone the project by running:

git clone

In .\windows\Caffe.bat set ITK_PATH to ITK intall path (the path containing ITK include,lib folders).


Run .\windows\Caffe.bat and build the project caffe in Visual Studio 2013.

How to use

Download image data

Please download and unzip the CT images from LiTS challenge. Note that, the original CT images of LiTS dataset are stored in *.nii format. Please convert them to *.mhd format.

Download annotation data

The organ bounding-box annotations could be downloaded from this repository or IEEE DataPort.

Prepare data

Move the CT images and the bounding-box annotations to a data folder, and create an entry list file (_train_set_list.txt) in the same folder. To this end, the data folder is organized in the folloing way:

└── data folder
    ├── _train_set_list.txt
    ├── volume-0.mhd
    ├── volume-0.raw
    ├── segmentation-0.mhd
    ├── segmentation-0.raw
    ├── segmentation-0.txt
    ├── volume-1.mhd
    ├── volume-1.raw
    ├── segmentation-1.mhd
    ├── segmentation-1.raw
    ├── segmentation-1.txt
    |   ....................... 
    ├── volume-130.mhd
    ├── volume-130.raw
    ├── segmentation-130.mhd
    ├── segmentation-130.raw
    └── segmentation-130.txt

The entry list file _train_set_list.txt stores the filenames that are actually used for training. Each line of the entry list file corresponds a data sample. Here is an example of the entry list file _train_set_list.txt corresponding to above data folder. Note that, the segmentation mask file (segmentation-N.mhd and segmentation-N.raw) is not necessary for neither training nor testing. We just reserve it for further research (e.g. organ segmentation). You could just make the segmentation mask files absent and fill the second column of the entry list file with a non-existent filename.

volume-0.mhd segmentation-0.mhd segmentation-0.txt
volume-1.mhd segmentation-1.mhd segmentation-1.txt
volume-130.mhd segmentation-130.mhd segmentation-130.txt

Start the training

Modify the path parameter of datalayer in .\models\ours\net.prototxt.

layer {
  name: 'mhd_input'
  type: 'MHDRoiData'
  top: 'data'
  top: 'im_info'
  top: 'gt_boxes'
  mhd_data_param {  
    source: "F:/Deep/MyDataset/LITS/_train_set_list.txt" # the entry list file mentioned above
    root_folder: "F:/Deep/MyDataset/LITS/" # the data folder mentioned above
    batch_size: 1
    shuffle: true
    hist_matching: false 
    truncate_probability: 0.5
    min_truncate_length: 50
    inplane_shift: 5
    min_intensity: -1000
    max_intensity: 1600
    random_deform: 0.0
    deform_control_point: 2
    deform_sigma: 15.0
    contour_name_list {
      name: "liver"
      name: "lung-r"
      name: "lung-l"
      name: "kidney-r"
      name: "kidney-l"
      name: "femur-r"
      name: "femur-l"
      name: "bladder"
      name: "heart"
      name: "spleen"
      name: "pancreas"
    resample_spacing_x: 2
    resample_spacing_y: 2
    resample_spacing_z: 2
    max_width: 150
    max_height: 150
    max_length: 1000
  include: { phase: TRAIN }

Run .\models\ours\train.bat

License and Citation

Please cite our paper and Caffe if it is useful for your research:

  author = {Xu, Xuanang and Zhou, Fugen and Liu, Bo and Fu, Dongshan and Bai, Xiangzhi},
  journal = {IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging},
  title = {Efficient Multiple Organ Localization in CT Image using 3D Region Proposal Network},
  year = {2019}
  doi = {10.1109/TMI.2019.2894854},
  volume = {}, 
  number = {}, 
  pages = {1-1}, 
  ISSN = {0278-0062},
  month = {},

  author = {Jia, Yangqing and Shelhamer, Evan and Donahue, Jeff and Karayev, Sergey and Long, Jonathan and Girshick, Ross and Guadarrama, Sergio and Darrell, Trevor},
  journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1408.5093},
  title = {Caffe: Convolutional Architecture for Fast Feature Embedding},
  year = {2014}

Caffe is released under the BSD 2-Clause license. The BVLC reference models are released for unrestricted use.