Sublime text is a widely used code editor for JavaScript developers. Rekit sublime plugin is created for it to support common Rekit tasks.
The plugin will auto detect Rekit projects and provide sidebar menus for the projects so that you can easily do common Rekit tasks like creating features, running tests etc.
From the Rekit demo video you can see how to use it:
For Chinese, visit the demo on Youku:
Here is a quick look for the plugin:
You can install this plugin through the Package Control.
Press Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+P to open the command palette. Type “install package” and press Enter. Then search for “Rekit”
Download the latest release, extract and rename the directory to “Rekit”. Move the directory inside your sublime Packages directory. (Preferences > Browse packages…)
By default, Rekit plugin will auto detect node
and npm
commands from system environment variables. But if you use a node version manager like nvm, you may need to configure it manually.
By default the content is:
"node_dir": false,
"npm_dir": false,
You need to config the container dir for node and npm separately(though they are usually the same), for example:
"node_dir": "/usr/local/bin",
"npm_dir": "/usr/local/bin",