surberj / Vision

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create 3D point cloud out of ticino dataset #43

Closed surberj closed 8 years ago

surberj commented 8 years ago

This process includes

Remark: Straightforward bundle adjustment estimates camera in- and extrinsics on the run and individually for all images. Since we use one camera, intrinsics have be the same for all images and can be calibrated and given as an input. Extrinsics are also known (with uncertainty) from the px4 ekf estimation.

surberj commented 8 years ago

VisualSFM is well suited for the feature extraction and feature matching (nice parallelized setup). For the bundle adjustment I will probably better use ceres, matlab or something else, since the parallel bundle adjustment, which is included in VisualSFM, is pretty limited (assumes first order distortion model, no straightforward option to include known camera extrinsics).

surberj commented 8 years ago

Some images of the first results: sess004_firstcircle_4hzplus_view8 sess004_firstcircle_4hzplus_view6 sess004_firstcircle_4hzplus_view9

surberj commented 8 years ago


surberj commented 8 years ago

Overview of pipeline images --> point cloud: fullsizerender

I do not see any out-of-the-box solution for doing the bundle adjustment with known camera extrinsics. I have to modify any BA optimization module. The easiest option would be probably to modify the pba (parallel bundle adjustment) code VisualSFM is working with. Other options would be to use directly the ceres-solver or do it in matlab.

surberj commented 8 years ago

It looks as if it is more or less straight forward with pba: Write a new load function in pba/src/pba/util.h to include camera poses from our PX4 EKF and include it into LoadModelFile(). But check first, how it will be used in the end: as a initial guess for the optimization or fixed or not at all ?

surberj commented 8 years ago

We decided to continue with maps created by OKVIS. For the challenging images of the ticino dataset the maps from OKVIS contain too much drift to be useful for re-localization (see midterm appendix). Therefore the ticino dataset was an important and interesting insight in the capabilities and limits of VI-odometry but won't play a major role anymore for my thesis.