suriyachaudary / Self-supervision-for-segmenting-overhead-imagery

[BMVC 2018] Self-supervised Feature Learning for Semantic Segmentation of Overhead Imagery.
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Self-Supervised Feature Learning for Semantic Segmentation of Overhead Imagery

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    Author = {Singh, Suriya; Batra, Anil; Pang, Guan; Torresani, Lorenzo; Basu, Saikat; Paluri, Manohar; Jawahar, C. V.},
    Title = {Self-supervised Feature Learning for Semantic Segmentation of Overhead Imagery},
    Booktitle = {BMVC},
    Year = {2018}



Preparing datasets for training
Please refer to jupyter notebook for semantic inpainting (Pathak et al, CVPR 2016), adversarial mask prediction, and semantic segmentation codes:


Toggling use_coach flag in the notebook is sufficient to switch between our method and Context Encoders. Random patches from the image are erased when use_coach = False whereas the mask values are sampled from uniform distribution in iteration 0 or predicted by the coach network in iteration > 0 when use_coach = True.

For other ResNet-18 baselines in Table 2,
scratch :

from models import resnet18, FCNify

net = resnet18().cuda()

net_segmentation = FCNify(net, n_class = nClasses)

ImageNet :

from models import resnet18, FCNify

net = resnet18(pretrained=True).cuda()

net_segmentation = FCNify(net, n_class = nClasses)

autoencoder with bottleneck and retaining pre-trained deocder:

net = resnet18_encoderdecoder_wbottleneck().cuda()

erase_count = 0 ### number of blocks to erase from image

net_segmentation = FCNify_v2(net, n_class = nClasses)

autoencoder without bottleneck and retaining pre-trained deocder:

net = resnet18_encoderdecoder_wbottleneck().cuda()

erase_count = 0 ### number of blocks to erase from image

net_segmentation = FCNify_v2(net, n_class = nClasses)