surreymagpie / cornerhouse

Practice website rebuild with Drupal
MIT License
0 stars 0 forks source link
dentistry mit-license uk


A rebuild of the dental practice website using modern Drupal 10+.

Local development

The environment is intended to use Podman instead of Docker. If you are not using direnv, you can load environment variables into your shell using the source command below. podman-compose will use the .env file regardless.

Set up the project as follows:

# Clone the repo
git clone
cd cornerhouse

source .env # if not using direnv

podman-compose up -d

# Set up aliases for drush, composer and php for working within the container

# Install composer dependencies
composer install

# First-time install of drupal with minimal profile
drush site:install minimal --locale=en-gb \
  --db-url=mysql://$MYSQL_USER:$MYSQL_PASSWORD@db:3306/$MYSQL_DATABASE \
  --account-name="surreymagpie" --account-pass="secure_password" \
  --site-name="Cornerhouse Dental Practice" --yes