surveyplanet / utilities

A collection of Typescript utility functions.
MIT License
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SurveyPlanet Typescript utility library

A collection of utility functions.


npm install @surveyplanet/utilities



Delay the call stack for a specified number of milliseconds


import { delay } from '@surveyplanet/utilities';
const someFunction = async (checked) => {
    console.log(new Date());
    await delay(100);
    console.log(new Date());


Property Type Description
ms=0 Number The total number of milliseconds to delay for. Operates as a nextTick if not provided


Validate text and form form inputs

Example 1

const options = {
  value: 'bad-email-address'
  rules: [{name:'required'}, {name:'email'}, {name:'minLength', parameter:4}]
const errors = validate( options );

Example 2

    import { validate } from '@surveyplanet/utilities';

    function submit () {
      const errors = validate();
      if (!errors) { fetch(...) }

<label for="email">Email</label>
    data-validate-message="Hey! you need to use a proper email dude." />

<label for="password">Password</label>
    data-validate-rules="required,minLength[8],hasSpecialChar,hasNumber,hasUpper,hasLower" />

<label for="confirm-password">Confirm Password</label>
    data-validate-rules="matches[password]" />


Property Type Description
input HTMLInputElement | HTMLSelectElement | null The input to validate. Must have data-validate-rules attribute with the appropriate rules value. See below for validation rules. If no input are provided all input and select elements with the data-validate-rules attribute are validated automatically.

Dataset attributes

Property Description
data-validate-rules A comma separated list of rules to use for validation. See validation rules below.
data-validate-message A custom error message instead of the default one. Use %l to add the input label to your element and %p to the validation property. For example if you use minLength[8] %p is 8.
data-validate-show-errors Automatically create and show the validation error under the text box.

Validation rules

Property Description
required Must not be empty.
matches[number] Must match another field value.
url Must be a valid url.
email Must be a valid email address.
emails Must be a comma separated list of valid email addresses.
minLength[number] Must be at least X characters long.
maxLength[number] Must be no longer than X characters.
exactLength[number] Must be exactly X characters long.
greaterThan[number] Must be greater than X.
lessThan[number] Must be less than X.
equals[number] Must be equal to X.
alpha Can only contain alphabetical characters (A-z).
alphaNumeric Can only contain alpha-numeric characters (A-z, 0-9).
alphaDash Can only contain alpha-numeric characters, underscores, or dashes.
numeric Must be a whole (non-negative) number.
integer Must be an integer; either positive or negative.
decimal Must be a valid integer or decimal consist of two parts: an integer and a fraction separated by a decimal point.
ip Must be a valid IP address.
base64 Must be a base64 string.
phone Must be a valid phone number.
cvc Must be a valid credit card cvc.
creditCard Must be a valid credit card number.
fileType[string] Must be a comma separated list of file types e.g.: gif,png,jpg.
hasSpecialChar Must contain a special character e.g.: $&+,:;=?@#|'"<>.^*()%!-.
hasNumber Must contain a number.
hasUpper Must contain an upper case letter.
hasLower Must contain a lower case letter.

Transform image

Transform or resize any image stored on the SurveyPlanet media server.


import { transformImage, type TransformOptions } from '@surveyplanet/utilities';
const options: TransformOptions = {
    fit: 'contain',
    height: 500,
    width: 500,

const url = transformImage(
console.log(url); //',h_500,w_500/testing/default.jpeg'


Property Type Description
ulr string The image url to transform.
options TransformOptions Transformation options (see below).
Transformation Options

The following area list of possible transformations

Property Type Description
background string Adjusts the backfill color of an image that has been resized and scaled to fit the new dimensions, usually when resize is set to f_contain. Value should be in the form of hex string e.g.: bg_ff00ff.
blur number Blur the image.
fit cover | contain | fill | inside | outside The possible methods by which the image should fit width and height. Both width and height must be present. See fit details below.
flatten string Merge alpha transparency channel, if any, with a background, then remove the alpha channel. Value should be in the form of hex string e.g.: fl_ff00ff.
flip boolean Flip the image about the vertical on the Y axis.
flop boolean Flop the image horizontally on the X axis.
gamma number Apply a gamma correction by reducing the encoding (darken) pre-resize at a factor of 1/gamma then increasing the encoding (brighten) post-resize at a factor of gamma.
grayscale boolean Change the image to grayscale.
height number Change the height of the image
median number Apply median filter.
negate boolean Create a 'negative' by inverting the colors of the image.
normalize boolean Enhance output image contrast by stretching its luminance to cover the full dynamic range.
rotate number Rotate the output image by either an explicit angle or auto-orient based on the EXIF Orientation tag.
sharpen number Sharpen the image.
threshold number Any pixel value greater than or equal to the threshold value will be set to 255, otherwise it will be set to 0.
tint string Adjust the tint or coloring of your image. For example, setting a value of 255:0:0 will yield an image with only red channels and no greens/blues.
width number Change the width of the image.
Fit types


Vitest is used for unit testing. The coverage is also done through vitest, using c8.


Format & lint

This library relies on the combination of eslint — through typescript-eslint for linting and prettier for formatting. It also uses cspell to ensure spelling



Under the hood, this library uses semantic-release. The goal is to avoid manual release process. Using semantic-release will automatically create a github release (hence tags) as well as an npm release. Based on your commit history, semantic-release will automatically create a patch, feature or breaking release.
