surveysparrow / surveysparrow-ios-sdk

SurveySparrow iOS SDK enables you to collect feedback from your mobile app by embed our Classic & Chat surveys
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Survey Sparrow iOS SDK

SurveySparrow iOS SDK enables you to collect feedback from your mobile app. Embed the Classic, Chat & NPS surveys in your iOS application seamlessly with few lines of code.

Mobile SDK share channel is only available from SurveySparrow Premium plan onwards.


  1. Integration with both SwiftUI & StoryBoard Interface
  2. Full-screen feedback whenever & wherever you want.
  3. Integrate the feedback experience anywhere in your app.
  4. Schedule Surveys to take one-time or recurring feedbacks.


iOS Deplyment Target

SwiftUI Interface - iOS 14.0
Storyboard Interface - iOS 13.0

SDK integration

Add SurveySparrowSdk Package

Add SurveySparrowSdk Package to your either StoryBoard or SwiftUI project

Or You can also navigate to your target's General pane -> in the “Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content” section, click the + button -> select Add Other -> and choose Add Package Dependency and repeat the above steps.

Full-screen Survey

Embed survey

SurveySparrow Android SDK full-screen view SurveySparrow Android SDK embed view

Import framework

import SurveySparrowSdk

SwiftUI Interface

Full-screen Surveys

  1. Create a Struct with implementing UIViewControllerRepresentable.

    struct SsSurveyViewControllerWrapper: UIViewControllerRepresentable {
      // Implement your functions here
  2. Inside makeUIViewController, instantiate the SsSurveyViewController and set the necessary properties like domain and token.

    func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> SsSurveyViewController {
      // ...
      let ssSurveyViewController = SsSurveyViewController()
      ssSurveyViewController.domain = "<account-domain>"
      ssSurveyViewController.token = "<sdk-token>"
      // ...

    Customize the presentation of SsSurveyViewControllerWrapper according to your app's requirements.

Handle survey validation

Adding Validation to Full-screen Surveys are made easier !!!

Call the function loadFullscreenSurvey from SsSurveyView

  SsSurveyView().loadFullscreenSurvey(parent: parentViewController, delegate: SurveyDelegate(), domain: domain, token: token, params: params)

Passing the parentViewController in which the Survey Should be poped is required.

Embedded Surveys

  1. Create a Struct with implementing UIViewRepresentable.

    struct UIViewRepresentableWrapper: UIViewRepresentable {
      // Implement your functions here
  2. Initialize SsSurveyView in it.

    let surveyView = SsSurveyView()
  3. Inside makeUIView, return the surveyView.

  4. Inside updateUIView call the function loadEmbedSurvey. This function also handles Validation to Embedded Surveys.

    func updateUIView(_ uiView: UIView, context: Context) {
    //  Implement your functions for Opening and closing the view
    surveyView.loadEmbedSurvey(domain: domain, token: token , params: ["email":"aa@aa.aa"])
    // ...

    To skip validation you can use loadSurvey funtion and load it on the required screen


[!TIP] For further guidance, Refer SwiftUI-ExampleApp.

Storyboard Interface

Full-screen Surveys

Take feedback using our pre-build SsSurveyViewController and get the response after submission by implementing the SsSurveyDelegate's handleSurveyResponse protocol.

  1. Create a SsSurveyViewController and set domain and token

    let ssSurveyViewController = SsSurveyViewController()
    ssSurveyViewController.domain = "<account-domain>"
    ssSurveyViewController.token = "<sdk-token>"
  2. Present the SsSurveyViewController

    present(ssSurveyViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)

Handle survey validation

Handle survey validation using the SsSurveyView.

Add a UIView to storyboard and change the Class to SsSurveyView under Identity Inspector and also make sure that the Module is SurveySparrowSdk. Under Attribute inspector provide domain and token.

Now connect the SsSurveyView as an IBOutlet

@IBOutlet weak var ssSurveyView: SsSurveyView!

Use loadFullscreenSurvey() on the ssSurveyView to load the survey in full screen view, this method will handle the survey validations along with survey pop up. If a survey is not valid the error json can be captured in handleSurveyValidation method

ssSurveyView.loadFullscreenSurvey(parent: self,delegate: self,domain:"<account-domain>", token: "<survey-token>",params:["emailaddress":"", "email":""] )
// Note : only params will be an optional field, email and emailaddress has to be passed in the params for creating a contact

Embed survey

Embed the feedback experience using the SsSurveyView.

Add SsSurveyView

Add a UIView to storyboard and change the Class to SsSurveyView under Identity Inspector and also make sure that the Module is SurveySparrowSdk. Under Attribute inspector provide domain and token.

Now connect the SsSurveyView as an IBOutlet

@IBOutlet weak var ssSurveyView: SsSurveyView!

Then call loadSurvey() on the ssSurveyView to load the survey


Handle survey validation

Use loadEmbedSurvey() on the ssSurveyView to load the survey in Embed, this method will handle the survey validations along with survey embed. If a survey is not valid the error json can be captured in handleSurveyValidation method

ssSurveyView.loadFullscreenSurvey(domain:"<account-domain>", token: "<survey-token>",params:["emailaddress":"", "email":""] )
// Note : only params will be an optional field, email and emailaddress has to be passed in the params for creating a contact

[!TIP] For further guidance, Refer StoryBoard-ExampleApp.

Handle the initial question load and the response from the survey

Implement the SsSurveyDelegate protocol to handle survey responses and Add these in all the places required.

class SurveyDelegate: SsSurveyDelegate {
  func handleSurveyLoaded(response: [String : AnyObject]) {
    // This will be executed after the initial question in the survey is loaded
    // NOTE: 'ssSurveyViewController.getSurveyLoadedResponse' should be set to true for this to work
    print("Survey Loaded: \(response)")
  func handleSurveyResponse(response: [String : AnyObject]) {
    // Handle response here
    print("Survey Loaded: \(response)")
  func handleSurveyValidation(response: [String : AnyObject]) {
    // Get survey validation fail json here
    print("Survey Validation: \(response)")

Schedule Surveys

Ask the user to take a feedback survey when they open your app/ a screen after a period of time.

SurveySparrow Android SDK scheduling

Override viewDidAppear method and create a SurveySparrow object by passing domain and token. Then call scheduleSurvey method on the SurveySparrow object by passing the parent ViewController reference to schedule the survey.

override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

  let surveySparrow = SurveySparrow(domain: "", token: "tt-7f76bd")
  surveySparrow.scheduleSurvey(parent: self)

Refer SurveySparrow class for configuration options.

Handle response

Implement SsSurveyDelegate protocol to handle responses.

Clear a schedule

You can clear a schedule by calling the surveySparrow.clearSchedule() method.

How scheduling works

We will show a customized alert to take a feedback survey whenever the scheduleSurvey method called after the startAfter days and if the user declines to take the survey we will show the prompt after the repeatInterval.

Example use case: Add the above code to viewDidAppear method of your ViewController to ask the user to take a feedback survey 3 days after the user starts using your app, and if the user declines to take the survey we will continue to prompt at an interval of 5 days. If the user takes and complete the survey once we will not ask again.

*You can only create one schedule per token. Create multiple tokens if you want to create multiple schedules for same survey.

NPS survey

Survey type can be changed to NPS by setting surveyType property to .NPS. You can also pass email as a custom param.



View to display embedded surveys

Public Properties

Property Description Default Value
domain: String Your SurveySparrow account domain *
token: String SDK token of the survey *
surveyType: SurveySparrow.SurveyType Type of the survey .CLASSIC
params: [String: String] Custom params for the survey -
getSurveyLoadedResponse: Bool Set to true to get handleSurveyLoaded response (available in version >= 0.3.0) false
surveyDelegate: SsSurveyDelegate Protocol to handle survey response -

Public methods

Method Description
loadSurvey(domain: String?, token: String?) Load survey in SsSurveyView


ViewController to take full-screen feedback

Public Properties

Property Description Default Value
domain: String Your SurveySparrow account domain *
token: String SDK token of the survey *
surveyType: SurveySparrow.SurveyType Type of the survey .CLASSIC
getSurveyLoadedResponse: Bool Set to true to get handleSurveyLoaded response (available in version >= 0.3.0) false
params: [String: String] Custom params for the survey -
thankyouTimeout: Double Duration to display thankyou screen in seconds 3.0
surveyDelegate: SsSurveyDelegate Protocol to handle survey response -

Public methods

Method Description
loadSurvey(domain: String?, token: String?) : Load survey in SsSurveyView


Protocol to get survey responses Method Description
handleSurveyResponse(response: [String: AnyObject]) Handle survey response
handleSurveyLoaded(response: [String: AnyObject]) Handle survey loaded
handleSurveyValidation(response: [String: AnyObject]) Handle survey validation


Class to handle survey scheduling


public init(domain: String, token: String) : pass SurveySparrow account domain & survey SDK token

Public constants

SurveySparrow.SurveyType Constant Description
.CLASSIC Classic Survey
.CHAT Chat Survey
.NPS NPS Survey

Public Properties

Property Description Default Value
surveyType: SurveySparrow.SurveyType Type of the survey .CLASSIC
params: [String: String] Custom params for the survey -
thankyouTimeout: Double Duration to display thankyou screen in seconds 3.0
surveyDelegate: SsSurveyDelegate Protocol to handle survey response -
getSurveyLoadedResponse: Bool Set to true to get handleSurveyLoaded response (available from version >= 0.3.0) false
alertTitle: String Alert title Rate us
alertMessage: String Alert message Share your feedback and let us know how we are doing
alertPositiveButton: String Alert positive button text Rate Now
alertNegativeButton: String Alert negative button text Later
isConnectedToNetwork: Bool Network status true
startAfter: Int64 Set the number of days to wait before showing the scheduled alert after launching the app for first time 259200000 (3 days)
repeatInterval: Int64 Set the number of days to wait to show the dialog once the user declined the dialog or accepted in the case of multiple feedback enabled 432000000 (5 days)
repeatSurvey: Bool Collect scheduled feedback multiple times. (Make sure that you have enabled 'Allow multiple submissions per user' for this survey) false
incrementalRepeat: Bool Repeat survey with a incremental interval false

Public methods

Method Description
scheduleSurvey(parent: UIViewController) Schedule Survey
clearSchedule() Clear scheduler data

* Required property

- Optional

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