susanmohammad / -Data-Science-Tools-and-Ecosystem

Coursera assignment
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Data Science Tools and Ecosystem

In this notebook, Data Science Tools and Ecosystem are summarized.


Some of the popular languages that Data Scientists use are:

languagelist = ("phyton", "R", "SQL") print (languagelist)

Some of the commonly used libraries used by Data Scientists include:

dslibraries = ("NumPy", "Pandas", "Matplotlib", "scikit", "ggplot") print (dslibraries)

a table of Data Science tools

df = data.frame(data_science_tools = c("RStudio", "VS Code", "JupyterLab") )


Below are a few examples of evaluating arithmetic expressions in Python

This a simple arithmetic expression to mutiply then add integers


This will convert 200 minutes to hours by diving by 60



Susan Mohammad