sussman / loap

LOBSTERS ON A PLANE: A flying tube of riveted aluminum the length of a football field, a swarm of angry carnivorous lobsters, a seething mass of frightened mortal passengers, and a renowned High Wizard who you sworn to protect. Hope you brought a bib.
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What is this?

This is the source code to "Lobsters on a Plane", an interactive fiction game (or more commonly known as "text adventure".)

It was originally written by Jack Welch and Ben Collins-Sussman on March 27, 2010. The code is now released under the "Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial - Share Alike 3.0" license, which you can find in the LICENSE file.

The game is written in the Inform 7 programming language. You can download the compiler and IDE as a single package from here:

[ When compiled, the source code produces a bytecode file which can be executed on any implementation of a Z machine interpreter; we typically tell Inform to compile it to a .z8 file. ]


[ When compiled, the source code produces a bytecode file which can be executed on any implementation of a Glulx virtual machine: ]

The game's source code lives in a single file called ''.

To build the game:

  1. Create a working Inform project from your source tree:

    $ git clone URL $ cd XXX $ mv XXX.inform/ temp.inform/

    [...launch Inform, create new project in this dir called 'XXX'...]

    $ cp temp.inform/Source/ XXX.inform/Source/ $ cp temp.inform/uuid.txt XXX.inform/ $ rm -rf temp.inform/

  2. Copy the included .i7x files to wherever the Inform environment expects to find extension modules:

    • on Mac, this is usually ~/Library/Inform/Extensions/. On Windows or Linux, the location will be slightly different. We'll let you figure it out.

    • create a directory called "David Fisher" in the Extensions directory, then copy 'Default Messages.i7x' into it.

    • [add instructions for other .i7x extensions here]

  3. Launch the Inform IDE and load the XXX.inform project. The source code should be visible, and it should compile fine. [Make sure that Inform's settings are are set to "Glulx" as the target VM.]


** DO NOT do any version control operations (commit, update, push, pull) while the Inform IDE is still open. When the IDE 'saves', it destroys and recreates the whole XXX.inform/ directory, thus possibly eradicating any changes you may have downloaded. ***