Frontend for the ZHAW Sustainability Dashboard
The sustainability dashboard provides a searchable interface for the ZHAW's sustainability related activities in research and education.
The frontend is provided by a basic caddy-server that listens on port 80
The dashboard is embedded into a docker container that is designed to be hosted behind a reverse proxy server. That proxy server maintains authentication and SSL-Termination.
For testing and development the package brings a minimal backend deployment. This allows to test against the same configuration as it would run in production.
Testing requires that nodejs (with npm) and docker are installed on the system.
On the command line run the following commands
npm ci
npm run all
docker compose -f docker-compose-integration.yaml up --force-recreate --remove-orphans
The setup takes about 30-40 seconds to fully start, because of database initialisation. After that it takes a few hours for scraping the OAI endpoint. During that time one can be amazed by observing how the data tickles into the system.
Afterwards the dev-system is linked to a dev container, so editing takes direct effect. The dev environment is available via http://localhost:8080/.
The ad_resolver component is inactive during the integration testing. When it is activated then it needs an appropriate configutation. ad-resolver's configuration options are documented separately in the component's Readme.
The dev environment has no authentication layer!
An ansible playbook for deploying the system to a Docker Swarm is available in the docker-deploy repository.