svalinn / condorht_tools

Tools for the launching,control and consolidation of MCNP jobs on the HTCondor system at UW
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
4 stars 8 forks source link

Collection of tools that allow the arbitrary splitting of MCNP input runs into many serial runs for submission onto the CHTC computing system. These runs are queued and submitted using Directed Acylic Graph (DAG) such that sub input decks are subservient to some master input file and allow resubmissions of failed runs.

Run Instructions

Run the script as follows

  $> ./ 
     --inputdir /data/opt/condorht_tools/mcnp_run/ 
     --mcnp "mcnp5 i=mcnp_inp g=mcnp_geom.h5m" --cpu 100 

Which will split the MCNP jobs mcnp_inp, into 100 sub tasks, striding through the Random number seed appropriately. All the script does is launch mcnp with the arguments you specify in addition to 'ix'. The 'ix' command tells MCNP to initialise the calculation, creating all the arrays and reading all the cross section data that are required and writing it all to a runtpe file.

The submit job command, looks in the run directory for the input files and sumits each one as an mcnp continue run.

Run the script as follows

  $> ./ 
     --input fluka_inp.inp  --cpu 100 

Which will split the Fluka job fluka_inp.inp, into 100 sub tasks, assigning each one a unique random number seed.

The submit job command, looks in the run directory for the input files and sumits each one as an mcnp continue run.

To run submit job

$> --path /data/opt/fludag-v-and-v/fng-dose/job_chtc 
   --job FLUKA --batch 20

Will launch each input file in the --path directory --batch times 20. In the case where --job is FLUKA or FLUDAG -batch means run 20 statistically independent runs, in the case of MCNP is will mean lauch 20 mpi tasks, currently it is ignored.

$> --path /data/opt/fludag-v-and-v/fng-dose/job_chtc 
   --job MCNP 

Submit job assumes a certain directory structure for the input data. It assumes

----> input_dir
   +---> input
   +---> geometry
   +---> run
   +---> tet_mesh

The script collects all the input files in the run directory and adds them to a list to run. The input directory is tar.gz'ed up and copied to volatile remote storage SQUID (this is important on CHTC). The script creates a Directed Acyclic Graph to control and resubmit the jobs upon failiure.

To run the combine script,

  $> ./ --path /data/prod/chtc_test/mcnp/results/ --job MCNP 

Will produce a collection of CHTC job files and scripts and a DAG graph that will collapse the data. Create a directory in your squid directory and copy the produced .sh .dag and *.cmd files to this location, along with the results files produced earlier.

Documenting Matrix of Computing Modes and Use Cases

There are a number of different run types that can be defined:

There are also a number of calculation modes that must be tested,

There are also a number of scoring modes that must be tested

Par Mode Nat. Geom Simp. Tallies DAG Geom Simp Tallies Nat. Geom Comp Tallies DAG Geom Comp. Tallies DAG Geom Advanced Tallies
Serial beta beta beta beta #11 beta #17 #12
HTC beta beta #11 #3 beta #3 beta beta
HPC x x x x x
HTPC #4 #4 #4 #4 #4
HyPC x x x x x