sveawebpay / svea-sdk-dotnet

Svea WebPay SDK for .NET
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C#/.Net Standard 2.0 SDK for Svea WebPay REST API

Table of contents

1. Introduction

The CheckoutApi class methods are used to Create, Get and Update orders through Svea Checkout. (Link to official Svea documentation) Svea Checkout API

The PaymentAdminApi class methods are used to administrate orders after they have been accepted by Svea. It includes functions to update, deliver, cancel and credit orders Note! This entrypoint is under construction and all functions not yet implemented. (Link to official Svea documentation) Svea PaymentAdmin API

Any support questions should be sent to If you find any issues with the SDK please open an issue on GitHub.

2. Sample App

Check the [the samples folder][samples]. To run the sample site. Make sure to add your MerchantId and SveaApiUrls to Checkout and PaymentAdmin api from Svea in appsettings.json

You will also need to add the secret token from Svea in secrets.json by running the following command in the project root folder. dotnet user-secrets set "Credentials.Secret" "{Your secret}" --project src/Samples/Sample.AspNetCore

3. Configuration

To configure SDK: Create settings file with the specified structure.

NOTE: This solution may change in future updates!

Step 1:

  "SveaApiUrls": {
    "CheckoutApiUri": "",
    "PaymentAdminApiUri": ""
  "Credentials": {
    "MerchantId": "xxxxx",
    "Secret": "xxxxxxx"
  "MerchantSettings": {
    "PushUri": "https://{Your domain}/push/{checkout.order.uri}",
    "TermsUri": "https://{Your domain}/terms",
    "CheckoutUri": "https://{Your domain}/CheckOut/LoadPaymentMenu",
    "ConfirmationUri": "https://{Your domain}/checkout/thankyou",
    "CheckoutValidationCallbackUri": "https://{Your domain}/validation/{checkout.order.uri}",
    "WebhookUri": "https://{Your domain}/shippingvalidation" // Used for shipping callback

Step 2:

Add SveaWebPayClient to services. Specify you merchantId and secret and the two clients for each api, along with there base urls.

NOTE: This solution may change in future updates!

   services.AddHttpClient("checkoutApi", client => client.BaseAddress = checkoutUri)
        .AddTransientHttpErrorPolicy(builder => builder.WaitAndRetryAsync(SleepDurations))
        .ConfigurePrimaryHttpMessageHandler(() => RedirectHandler);

    services.AddHttpClient("paymentAdminApi", client => client.BaseAddress = paymentAdminUri)
        .AddTransientHttpErrorPolicy(builder => builder.WaitAndRetryAsync(SleepDurations))
        .ConfigurePrimaryHttpMessageHandler(() => RedirectHandler);

    services.AddTransient(s =>
        var httpClientFactory = s.GetService<IHttpClientFactory>();
        var checkoutApiHttpClient = httpClientFactory.CreateClient("checkoutApi");
        var paymentAdminApiHttpClient = httpClientFactory.CreateClient("paymentAdminApi");
        return new SveaWebPayClient(checkoutApiHttpClient, paymentAdminApiHttpClient, new Svea.WebPay.SDK.Credentials(merchantId, secret), s.GetService<ILogger>());

Important to note is that AllowAutoRedirect needs to be set to false in your HttpClient message handlers, like so.

    private static HttpClientHandler RedirectHandler => new HttpClientHandler { AllowAutoRedirect = false };

4. Supported APIs

5. Polling of Tasks

When executing theese actions 'Add order row', 'Add order rows', 'Deliver order', 'Credit order rows' and 'Credit new row' a Task is created in Svea. When you create the request object for the specific action you have the option to specify a 'Polling timeout (TimeSpan)'. This will allow the SDK to poll the task until the timeout is reached or the task is done. Then the resource object will be returned. If not specified the SDK will try once if the Task has not finished the Task Uri will be returned and the polling needs to be done by the user.

6. Shipping Module

Shipping VAT calculations

For VAT calculation callback the model ShippingOption can be used as parameter. Shipping VAT calculation can then be performed using CalculateShippingOrderRows on the Cart.


        public async Task<ActionResult> ShippingTaxCalculation(ShippingOption shippingOption) 
            // Get order
            var order = await _sveaClient.Checkout.GetOrder(shippingOption.OrderId).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Calculate shipping VAT

            // Update order
            await _sveaClient.Checkout.UpdateOrder(order.OrderId, new UpdateOrderModel(order.Cart, null, order.ShippingInformation)).ConfigureAwait(false);

WebhookUri Callback / Shipping callback

For validation of shipping callback the model ShippingCallbackResponse can be used as a parameter.