svendahlstrand / supervision

👓 Install and switch between multiple versions of SiteVision.
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supervision lets you install and switch between multiple versions of SiteVision.

What can supervision do for you?

supervision 0.6.0
usage: supervision <command> [<args>]

What supervision can do for you:
   use           Set the SiteVision version
   version       Show the current SiteVision version
   versions      List all SiteVision available to supervision
   install       Download and install a SiteVision version
   console       Start the current SiteVision version in console mode

Install using Homebrew

On macOS with the brew command it's easy:

$ brew install svendahlstrand/tap/supervision

Install the "hard" way

Just download the file supervision, make it executable and place it somewhere in your path. Like this:

$ curl -O && chmod +x supervision


On Linux you may have to install davfs2.

And of course it helps to have a copy and license for SiteVision. ;)

Install a SiteVision version manually

The easiest way to install a new SiteVision version is by running supervision install. All versions are located in the directory ~/.supervision/versions, so it's not hard to install manually. Just download and unpack.

When you ls the versions directory it should look something like this:

$ ls -1 ~/.supervision/versions/