svenschneider / youbot-manipulation

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This repository contains packages for using the youBot's manipulator in ROS. It includes an analytical inverse position kinematics solver and configuration files for MoveIt!.


The youbot_manipulation meta-package contains the following packages:


It is assumed that ROS and the youBot packages have been installed properly. First, create a Catkin workspace ( and add the repository to this workspace by executing the following commands:

cd <catkin_workspace>/src
wstool set youbot_manipulation --git --version=indigo
wstool update youbot_manipulation

Now build the workspace:

cd <catkin_workspace>

Running the demo

The youbot_moveit package contains a demo to run and visualize a simulated youBot in RViz. This demo can be executed via the following command:

roslaunch youbot_moveit demo.launch

Using the markers attached to the manipulator, the end-effector can be dragged around which triggers the inverse kinematics solver. Additionally, different motion planners can be tried out.

Running on the real or simulated robot

First, bring up the real or simulated robot. Then, start MoveIt! via:

roslaunch youbot_moveit move_group.launch

With the MoveIt! Commander ( the manipulator can be moved by typing in commands. To start the MoveIt! Commander run:

rosrun moveit_commander

Then select the hardware group to move and command it to some known position (e.g. the up-right, candle position):

> use arm_1
arm_1> go candle


The MoveIt! kinematics plugin in the youbot_arm_kinematics_moveit package implements the standard MoveIt! interfaces. Therefore, consult the MoveIt! website ( for further documentation related to using MoveIt!.