swadey / LispSyntax.jl

lisp-like syntax in julia
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LispSyntax.jl: A clojure-like lisp syntax for julia

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This package provides a lisp-to-julia syntax translator with convenience macros that let you do this:

lisp"(defn fib [a] (if (< a 2) a (+ (fib (- a 1)) (fib (- a 2)))))"
@test lisp"(fib 30)" == 832040
@test fib(30)        == 832040

LispSyntax.jl is implemented as an expression translator between lisp/clojure-like syntax and julia's AST. Julia's compiler, JIT and multiple-dispatch infrastructure is used for code generation and execution. Because of this, LispSyntax.jl is not really clojure or lisp in most meaningful ways. The semantics are entirely julia-based (which are very similar to scheme/lisp in many ways). The net result is that LispSyntax.jl is really an alternative S-expression-like syntax for julia, not an implemention of clojure or lisp.

Special Forms

Notable Differences


LispSyntax.jl provides a convenience REPL, alleviating one from having to type lisp"( ... )" for each top level expression. In order to use REPL mode, simply initialize it:

julia> using LispSyntax
julia> LispSyntax.init_repl()
REPL mode Lisp Mode initialized. Press ) to enter and backspace to exit.

At this point, type ), and you're ready to Lisp:

jλ> (* 2 (reduce + (: 1 6)))
jλ> (defn fib [a] 
      (if (< a 2) 
        (+ (fib (- a 1)) (fib (- a 2)))))
fib (generic function with 1 method)
jλ> (fib 10)

To return to the Julia prompt, simply type the backspace type or Ctrl-C. Once there, you'll still have access to the fuctions you defined:

julia> fib
fib (generic function with 1 method)
julia> fib(10)

You may also create a customized REPL.