swar-mukh / cbt

cbt is a postmodern build tool aimed to provide a standard application structure and facilitate code re-use, thereby making working with C++ a breeze.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
4 stars 0 forks source link
build-tool c-plus-plus c-plus-plus-20 cli command-line-app scaffold-framework


cbt or "C++ Build Tool" is a postmodern build tool aimed to provide a standard application structure and facilitate code re-use, thereby making working with C++ a breeze.


The one thing lacking in the C++ ecosystem is a simple and lucid build system. While the flexibility of C++ and the low-level target nature of this language has enabled/forced multiple vendors to create their own (both platform-agnostic and platform-dependent) build systems, it is really difficult to interact with such tools due to one or more of the following (a non-enhaustive list) issues:

One reason why proliferation of JavaScript has been so prominent is due to npm (later other package managers followed suite) and the one unified package.json, both of which have catapulted a once browser-only language to be used in almost all (sometimes even inappropriately) domains.

cbt is similar in spirit to npm and package.json, except it is more about making software development with C++ more approachable to beginners and seasoned developers alike; and equally not raising C++ to such higher abstraction language(s) like Java, C#, etc.


cbt is a very simple build tool made from first principles:


$ cbt help


1. Globally                     - cbt <options> [file_name]
2. From inside a project        - [env=<an_env_file>] cbt <options> [file_name]


1. Environment files are located under the `<project>/environments/` directory
2. The '.env.template' file must be provided with all the environment values along with the necessary types
3. `env` entry defaults to 'local.env' if no `env` entry is provided
4. Specify the `env` file to be picked up without the '.env' extension, e.g. "env=production"


create-project <project-name>   - Scaffold a new project

create-file <file_name>         - Generate respective C++ files under 'headers/', 'src/' and 'tests/' directories
create-file <path/to/file_name> - Same as above, but will create necessary sub-directories if required

compile-project                 - Compile all files (timestamp-aware) and generate respective binaries under 'build/binaries/'
build-project                   - Perform linking and generate final executable under 'build/'
run-unit-tests                  - Run all test cases (timestamp-unaware) under 'tests/unit_tests/' directory

clear-build                     - Delete all object files under 'build/' directory

info                            - Show information regarding cbt
help                            - Shows this help message


Ready-made binaries for Ubuntu and Windows are available through Releases.

For other platforms, or for building from source, read on.


  1. cbt is developed in WSL2 Ubuntu 20.04 and Windows 11.
  2. There is a hard dependency on g++ as the underlying tool.
  3. There is a hard dependency on C++2a standard. Ensure your GNU toolchain is at least 9.4.0.
  4. GNU toolchain used for development is 11.4.0.
  5. If on Windows, MinGW can be downloaded from WinLibs.
  6. On a Mac, g++ is actually a tiny wrapper over clang. This shouldn't be a problem as such, but if you want to develop exclusively through g++, then download the binary (though Homebrew or MacPorts, etc.) and alias g++ to the appropriate downloaded binary, i.e. alias g++=g++-<version>


  1. Clone/download the source code and navigate to the directory
  2. Run the following:

    # On *nix platforms
    $ chmod +x script.sh
    $ ./script.sh init compile build
    # On Windows
    > .\script.bat init compile build
  3. The executable will be placed under the build/ directory with the name cbt (or cbt.exe on Windows)
  4. Run ./build/cbt help (or .\build\cbt.exe on Windows) to get all available commands
  5. Add the binary to your OS' PATH.

Note: During the build stage through script.sh, pay attention to the following:

  1. If your platform is Linux but not Ubuntu, update the file-name at line 40.
  2. If you get a message "Please use a binary that can generate a SHA-256 checksum for this platform", then add your respective platform and associated binary that computes the SHA-256 checksum.
  3. If uname is not available on your platform, replace $(uname -s) with "$OSTYPE" in line 39, and update the options accordingly.

In any of the above case(s), the format for the file-name containing the checksum is <platform>.sha256.checksum.txt.


Disclaimer: The following roadmap may be subjected to change depending on various factors like: bandwidth, priority and/or complexity.

# Task Status Notes
1 Create a basic workable binary ✅ Complete
2 Allow basic create, compile and build functionalities ✅ Complete
3 Support scaffold for testing ⛅ Partially achieved Only unit tests supported currently
4 Use project.cfg as a one-stop configuration file for the entire project workspace management ✅ Complete
5 Decouple g++ and all build configurations from source code ✅ Complete
  • Requires completion of project.cfg parser first.
  • Need to add other strict and sane compiler flags.
6 Add support for various other C++ compilers 💤 TBD Requires a slight forward thinking mindset w.r.t. point 8 below
7 Support scaffold for shared objects (.so and .dll) 💤 TBD
8 Add support for dependency management 💤 TBD
  • How to handle dependencies developed with another compiler implementation than current project?
  • Scaffold should support generating library code along with executable code during project creation.
  • Add support for Software Bill of Materials
9 Add support for documentation during scaffold and as a command (maybe via some 3rd party tools like doxygen) 💤 TBD
10 Bootstrap cbt with cbt ⛅ Partially achieved
11 Add native support for reading environment values from env file(s) ✅ Complete
12 Optimise compilation and building by inspecting dependency graph ✅ Complete
  • Should we go all in with C++ modules instead? (Update: Postponed for now)
  • How to mix-n-match traditional HPP/CPP files with module files in the same project? (Update: Postponed for now)
13 Support scaffold for daemons (*nix) and services (Windows) 💤 TBD
14 Add support for linting 💤 TBD cppcheck seems to be a good fit for integration