swashata / wp-webpack-script

💥🔥📦👩‍💻 An easy to use, pre configured, hackable webpack setup & development server for WordPress themes and plugins.
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Dependency Dashboard #1241

Open renovate[bot] opened 3 years ago

renovate[bot] commented 3 years ago

Config Migration Needed

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

[!WARNING] These dependencies are deprecated:

Datasource Name Replacement PR?
npm @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties Unavailable
npm @babel/plugin-proposal-json-strings Unavailable
npm @babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator Unavailable
npm @babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread Unavailable
npm @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining Unavailable
npm @types/webpack-dev-middleware Unavailable
npm babel-eslint Available
npm docsearch.js Unavailable
npm gatsby-image Unavailable
npm gatsby-plugin-netlify-cache Unavailable
npm node-sass Unavailable


These updates are currently rate-limited. Click on a checkbox below to force their creation now.


These updates have been manually edited so Renovate will no longer make changes. To discard all commits and start over, click on a checkbox.


These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.

Ignored or Blocked

These are blocked by an existing closed PR and will not be recreated unless you click a checkbox below.

Detected dependencies

e2e/package.json - `@types/webpack-env 1.16.0` - `execa 4.1.0` - `react 16.14.0` - `react-dom 16.14.0` - `react-hot-loader 4.13.0` - `@types/jest 26.0.15` - `autoprefixer 9.8.6` - `cssnano 4.1.10` - `cypress 4.12.1` - `fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin 5.2.1` - `jest 26.6.3` - `less 3.12.2` - `node-sass 4.14.1` - `serve 11.3.2` - `typescript 3.9.7` - `wait-on 5.2.0`
package.json - `@babel/cli 7.14.8` - `@babel/core 7.14.8` - `@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties 7.14.5` - `@babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread 7.14.7` - `@babel/preset-env 7.14.8` - `@babel/preset-typescript 7.14.5` - `@types/jest ^26.0.24` - `@types/node ^14.14.41` - `babel-core 7.0.0-bridge.0` - `babel-jest 26.6.3` - `cross-env ^7.0.3` - `eslint ^7.31.0` - `jest 26.6.3` - `lerna ^4.0.0` - `plop 2.7.4` - `prettier ^2.3.2` - `rimraf 3.0.2` - `typescript ^4.3.5` - `yarn ^1.2.1` - `node >=8.9.0` - `@types/webpack ^4.41.0`
packages/babel-preset-base/package.json - `@babel/helper-plugin-utils ^7.14.5` - `@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties ^7.14.5` - `@babel/plugin-proposal-json-strings ^7.14.5` - `@babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator ^7.14.5` - `@babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining ^7.14.5` - `@babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import ^7.8.3` - `@babel/plugin-syntax-import-meta ^7.10.4` - `@babel/plugin-transform-destructuring ^7.14.7` - `@babel/plugin-transform-runtime ^7.14.5` - `@babel/preset-env ^7.14.8` - `@babel/preset-react ^7.14.5` - `@babel/runtime ^7.14.8` - `@babel/core 7.14.8` - `dts-gen 0.6.0` - `@babel/core >=7.0.0` - `node >=8.9.0`
packages/cli/package.json - `@types/shelljs 0.8.9` - `chalk 4.1.1` - `commander 7.2.0` - `shelljs 0.8.4` - `typescript 4.3.5` - `node >=8.9.0`
packages/entrypoint/package.json - `@types/webpack-env ^1.16.2` - `node >=8.9.0`
packages/eslint-config/package.json - `@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin 4.28.5` - `@typescript-eslint/parser 4.28.5` - `babel-eslint ^10.1.0` - `eslint-config-airbnb ^18.2.1` - `eslint-config-prettier ^8.3.0` - `eslint-import-resolver-typescript 2.4.0` - `eslint-plugin-babel ^5.3.1` - `eslint-plugin-import ^2.23.4` - `eslint-plugin-jest ^24.4.0` - `eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y ^6.4.1` - `eslint-plugin-prettier ^3.4.0` - `eslint-plugin-react ^7.24.0` - `eslint-plugin-react-hooks ^4.2.0` - `eslint 7.31.0` - `prettier 2.3.2` - `node >=8.9.0`
packages/scripts/package.json - `@babel/code-frame ^7.14.5` - `@babel/core ^7.14.8` - `@babel/preset-flow ^7.14.5` - `@babel/preset-typescript ^7.14.5` - `@pmmmwh/react-refresh-webpack-plugin ^0.5.0-beta.3` - `@types/archiver ^5.1.1` - `@types/babel__code-frame ^7.0.3` - `@types/browser-sync ^2.26.2` - `@types/gradient-string ^1.1.2` - `@types/lockfile ^1.0.2` - `@types/prompts ^2.0.14` - `@types/update-notifier ^5.0.1` - `@types/webpack ^4.41.8` - `@types/webpack-assets-manifest ^3.0.1` - `@types/webpack-dev-middleware ^4.1.2` - `@types/webpack-env ^1.16.2` - `@types/webpack-hot-middleware ^2.25.5` - `archiver ^5.3.0` - `autoprefixer ^10.3.1` - `babel-loader ^8.2.2` - `browser-sync ^2.27.5` - `camelcase ^6.0.0` - `chalk ^4.1.1` - `clean-webpack-plugin ^3.0.0` - `commander ^7.2.0` - `cpy 8.1.2` - `css-loader ^5.2.4` - `del ^6.0.0` - `dev-ip ^1.0.1` - `dotenv ^8.2.0` - `execa ^5.1.1` - `figures ^3.2.0` - `file-loader ^6.0.0` - `find-up ^5.0.0` - `gradient-string ^1.2.0` - `handlebars ^4.7.7` - `less-loader 7.3.0` - `lockfile ^1.0.4` - `log-symbols ^4.0.0` - `make-dir ^3.1.0` - `mini-css-extract-plugin ^1.5.0` - `open ^8.2.1` - `ora ^5.4.1` - `postcss-loader 4.2.0` - `pretty-error ^3.0.4` - `prompts ^2.4.1` - `react-refresh ^0.10.0` - `sass-loader 10.1.1` - `slugify ^1.6.0` - `time-fix-plugin ^2.0.7` - `uglifyjs-webpack-plugin ^2.2.0` - `update-notifier ^5.1.0` - `webpack ^4.44.1` - `webpack-assets-manifest 4.0.6` - `webpack-dev-middleware ^4.1.0` - `webpack-hot-middleware ^2.25.0` - `webpack-merge ^5.8.0` - `@types/jest 26.0.24` - `@types/node 14.14.41` - `cross-env 7.0.3` - `dts-gen 0.6.0` - `eslint 7.31.0` - `fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin 5.2.1` - `lerna 4.0.0` - `less ^4.1.1` - `node-sass ^5.0.0` - `postcss ^8.3.6` - `prettier 2.3.2` - `typescript 4.3.5` - `node >=8.9.0`
site/package.json - `@svgr/webpack 5.5.0` - `bulma 0.9.3` - `classnames 2.3.1` - `docsearch.js 2.6.3` - `gatsby 2.27.1` - `gatsby-image 2.6.0` - `gatsby-plugin-catch-links 2.5.0` - `gatsby-plugin-google-analytics 2.6.0` - `gatsby-plugin-manifest 2.7.0` - `gatsby-plugin-netlify 2.6.0` - `gatsby-plugin-netlify-cache 1.2.0` - `gatsby-plugin-offline 3.5.0` - `gatsby-plugin-react-helmet 3.5.0` - `gatsby-plugin-sass 2.6.0` - `gatsby-plugin-svgr 2.0.2` - `gatsby-remark-autolink-headers 2.6.0` - `gatsby-remark-copy-linked-files 2.5.0` - `gatsby-remark-images 3.6.0` - `gatsby-remark-prismjs 3.8.0` - `gatsby-remark-smartypants 2.5.0` - `gatsby-source-filesystem 2.6.1` - `gatsby-transformer-remark 2.11.0` - `node-sass ^4.14.1` - `prismjs 1.24.1` - `prop-types 15.7.2` - `react 16.14.0` - `react-dom 16.14.0` - `react-helmet 6.1.0` - `react-typing-animation 1.6.2` - `@wpackio/eslint-config ^6.4.0` - `eslint 7.31.0` - `gatsby-plugin-sharp 2.9.0` - `gatsby-transformer-sharp 2.7.0` - `prettier 2.3.2`
.travis.yml - `node 12.14.0`