Container for Software Carpentry lesson releases
Pre task: ensure AUTHORS are ok in all repositories
Pre setup:
cp private.template.ini private.ini
and set your access keys in itpython3 1 --version 2017.02
to generate a template ini file from the latest versionauto.ini 2017.02.ini
(you might edit this file or the generator code if you need fine tuning)Fully semi-automated with the following steps (create the branches, build and zenodo):
python3 A B ...
, where B
is your .ini file, and A
will take the values
will clone the repositories, you can pass a git depth with --depth
to make the clone faster/smaller (NB: don't limit depth if you intend to use the repository to create the AUTHORS etc)3
will get the sha1 corresponding to the tip of gh-pages
, you can then edit the .ini file if you want to release older versions for certain repositories4
will create the (empty) Zenodo submissions, adding some identifiers in the .ini file5
will create the branches, build the lessons, and push6
will gather info from the repositories, filling the the .ini with it7
will fill-in or update the Zenodo submissions8
will zip the lessons into the zips/
folder (by default)9
will upload the zips to Zenodo, you can later re-upload by removing the zenodo_file
in the ini file, and pass --force-replace
to publish Zenodo submissions, meaning they won't be deletable afterwardsThen, we need to setup the actual hosting on For now, it uses the old tool:
and run itPreparing and getting latest versions (anyway there will be some implementation work, this time, to get the author list up to date (with opt-out))
alias A='./ 2017.08.ini'
function B() { local p1="$1" ; shift ; python3 "$p1" 2017.08.ini "$@" ; }
python3 1 --version 2017.08
mv auto.ini 2017.08.ini
##DO: manually remove instructor training as we are not releasing it
B git-for-all branch
B git-for-all checkout gh-pages
B git-for-all branch
B git-for-all pull
Now, let's tune the authors (this time, it involves some implementation, so it will probably change for the next release)
./ --help
A check-pull-requests
#^ not so clean, too many to actually check now
A check-all-mailmap
##DO: manually removed one duplicate
##DO: manually created and fixed all-moreinfo
A process-repo
emacs ,,.todo-mailmapclean all-mailmap
##DO: add manually, sort-lines, and look for proper names for each TODO, ... very tedious
##^ use 'zz-...' when not really found
A check-all-mailmap
##DO: continue fixing, checking also all "Missing" to find typos (but many have actually not commited anything or on instructor-training which is not in this release?)
A obfuscate
##DO: do commit new authors
Now that we have a decent global mailmap, let's patch all repositories (with their own .mailmap and AUTHORS). This is the occasion to list as AUTHORS only the ones that: contributed (outside style
and did not opt out for these commits, this is automated).
B git-for-all checkout -- .mailmap AUTHORS
A process-repo
B sort-authors
B git-for-all diff
Now we will really push the author changes, be sure of what we have...
B git-for-all diff
B git-for-all add .mailmap AUTHORS
B git-for-all commit -m 'Updating mailmap and AUTHORS before release'
B git-for-all push
NOW, let's go for the release, we already have the ini file (we'll add it to have temporary backups and diffs). NB: need to (re)do the R installation (see section below).
alias C='git diff 2017.08.ini ; git add 2017.08.ini'
B 3
# for the next step, one need a/the zenodo token
B 4
B 5
#^ R failed (forgot to install stuff), so we need to redo (this skips already pushed ones so it is ok)
B 5
#^ the new TAG feature failed so we fix and rerun
B 5
B git-for-all log --oneline -n 2
#^ to be sure of wether some did not work (temporary add force_branch=1 in the ini for repo to redo)
#^ to be sure to unobfuscate
B 6
#^ needed a few run as I was making the orcid handling at the same time (need to remove the lines in the .ini so they get rebuilt)
##DO: for the templates, manually set maintainers to "Silva, Raniere;Emonet, Rémi@0000-0002-1870-1329"
B 7
B 8
B 9
A obfuscate
Now, we need to check on zenodo, but we can still also host the release (it is a good preview at worse).
##DO: modify the makefile, taking inspiration from git log -p 775456~..775456 -- Makefile
#^ this time, a new lesson set had to be created (as we don't release the instructor-training)
git add Makefile
make 2017.08
#^ got a failure du to wrong handling of tags (fixed), but need to redo
rm -rf 2017.08/
make clean-failure
make 2017.08
git commit -m 'Release 2017.08'
And we can make some bibtex and html:
B print-publication-record -o bib-html.html
B print-bibtex -t book -o bib-book.bib
B print-bibtex -o bib-misc.bib
python3 1 --version 9999-none
python3 git-for-all auto.ini branch
python3 git-for-all auto.ini checkout gh-pages
python3 git-for-all auto.ini branch
python3 git-for-all auto.ini pull
head -6 auto.ini > tmp.ini
./ tmp.ini check-author-diff-summary
tail -13 auto.ini |head -7 > tmp.ini
# or a pair of lesson or anything, or start from some reduced 2017.02
python3 git-for-all tmp.ini stash
python3 git-for-all tmp.ini checkout 2017.02~~
RE=YES ./ tmp.ini process-repo
python3 3 tmp.ini
python3 6 tmp.ini
python3 print-bibtex tmp.ini
Generally, the complete release is a two step process:
Both steps are currently semi-automated. Some more details on these two steps are given here.
This step has been automated by a bash function defined in
(swc-releases repository) and that has been run with:
This function will do the following for each lesson, e.g., for git-novice with version 2016.06:
NB: WARNING: 2016.06: the workshop-template
and lesson-example
should use tags (the script does use branches as of 2016.06) as
does not play well enough with multiple branches. (this warning can be remove if the script is modified to handle this special cases).
NB: the two commits are prefixed with the DOI of the lesson.
NB: one need push access rights to all repositories to do that. The alternative is to have individual lesson maintainers do these steps.
The function can be copied and adapted for another new release.
This step has been automated and live in this repository, where the main entry point is the Makefile. To make the release, the following commands has been run:
make 2016.06
git commit -m 'Release 2016.06'
git push
To be able to run this, the following preparation has been necessary:
(necessary only when the list of lessons changed)When run, make 2016.06
will run
that will do the following:
branch of the lesson repository)2016.06/index.html
One need to install R and some packages to build the lessons.
Installing R is platform dependent, e.g., under some linux distributions you can use apt-get install r-base
One can then install the necessary packages by starting R and running:
In case the preparation process needs to be re-run, for instance because the build process need to be tuned, one may use the following tools (some functions are defined in
rm -rf ,,*
to remove all checked out lessons: this can be useful if some changes, that needs to be integrated has been pushed on github since the clonedo-reset-,,-to-ghpages
to switch all checked out lesson repositories to the gh-pages branch (in case we want to rerun the script and that the script checks the current state of the repo, as done by the commented-out do-check-justmerged
in do-2016-06-from-gvwilson-list)make check-submodules
to check that the revisions that submodules reference still exist on github (an absence causes Jekyll build issues)rm -rf 2016.06
and make clean-failure
to remove the generated folder and submodulesrm -rf .git/modules/2016.06
to remove the submodule cache, in case some content has been force pushed to the lessonsgit rebase -i HEAD^^
and later git push --force
to rewrite history with a new versionmake update-submodules
after uncommenting the necessary line in the Makefile: to update the submodules if new commits have been added to the 2016.06 branches in any lesson repository (need to then add/commit/push)These instructions should help doing the release.
An informed release maintainer can also look at
that contains script snippets that aim at automating the process.
NB: the HTML pages can be built before (on the gh-pages branch) or after (only in the release branch).
IMPORTANT: your pandoc version may matter for building the pages, see this thread (1.12 seems to not be fine with some source files, even if you don't see any errors when building) (some code blocks don't have newlines, classes are missing, etc)
You should already be on the gh-pages branch, but, if not, switch to it:
git checkout gh-pages
Once the lesson (it's main gh-pages branch) is in a state to be release, the first step is to create a new branch that will be named 2016.06-beta
git checkout -b 2016.06-beta
# (use -B if you need to start over and force the re-creation of the branch)
If the HTML pages were not built yet, do it now and commit with a relevant message, the commands might look like this:
# example to build the HTML pages and commit
make clean preview
git add *.html
git status
git commit -m "Rebuilt HTML files for release 2016.06-beta"
Then we will patch the css, so that the version is displayed on all pages.
Open the css/swc.css
file and add, at the end, the following block (including the comments):
/* version added automatically */
div.banner::before {
content: "Version 2016.06-beta";
font-size: 10px;
font-family: monospace;
font-weight: bold;
line-height: 1;
/* */
position: fixed;
right: 0;
top: 0;
z-index: 10;
/* */
color: white;
background: rgb(43, 57, 144);
padding: 3px;
border: 1px solid white;
Then commit this change with:
git add css/swc.css
git commit -m "Added version (2016.06-beta) to all pages via CSS"
Then push the branch:
git push --set-upstream origin 2016.06-beta
# use --force if you had already pushed the branch and started over
And you can switch back to the main branch:
git checkout gh-pages
Once all maintainers have created their branches, the release can be initiated.
The Makefile has already been prepared (if curious, look for 2016.06-beta inside), so you need to run:
make 2016.06-beta
# (and wait some time for the submodules to be added)
Then you can briefly review and commit:
git status
git commit -m "Release 2016.06-beta (after Bug BBQ)"
And finally push:
git push
After letting some time to github to rebuild the site, you should see the release at and each lessons should "work" and have a small banner with the version.