sweh / ajja

JavaScript library for simple creation of forms and display of collections
MIT License
2 stars 0 forks source link
forms javascript

===================== The ajja distribution

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ajja is a JavaScript library for simple creation of forms in your clients browser. It just needs a JSON datastructure and creates a form with auto saving fields from it.

Furthermore there is a list, table and group display for collections.

Uses Knockout for data-binding, Handlebars for templating and jQuery for DOM manipulation and ajax calls.

ajja is an Hebrew firstname and also abbreviates the basics of this library: ajax and javascript.

Support and Documentation

Documentation is available on readthedocs <http://ajja.readthedocs.org/en/stable>. Bugs and Feature Requests are tracked in the GitHub Issue Tracker <https://github.com/sweh/ajja/issues>. To obtain support, please write an email to Sebastian Wehrmann <mailto:sebastian@wehrmann.it>_.

Developing and Contributing

See HACKING.txt <https://github.com/sweh/ajja/blob/master/HACKING.txt> and Contribution <http://ajja.readthedocs.org/en/stable/src/contributing.html> for guidelines on running tests, adding features and updating documentation when developing in or contributing to ajja.


ajja is offered under the MIT license <https://github.com/sweh/ajja/blob/master/LICENSE.txt>_.


ajja is made available by Sebastian Wehrmann <https://wehrmann.it/>_.