swift-berlin / swift-berlin.github.io

12 stars 10 forks source link


This is the repository to generate the website of swift.berlin.

Read here how to become a speaker.


To serve the app on localhost:3000 run

bundle exec jekyll serve

All talks are in the _posts folder with the following format:

name: Jens Ravens
image: jensravens (referenced by name from img/speakers)
title: Taking Swift to the Server
company: nerdgeschoss
about: 'Jens is an iOS and OS X Developer, writing ObjC since 2006. Currently working at <a href="http://nerdgeschoss.de" target="new">nerdgeschoss</a> helping clients to create awesome apps.'
abstract: Swift on Linux is finally there. What about building your next big coding project in Swift instead of Rails or node.js?
    url: http://jensravens.com
    name: jensravens.com
    url: https://twitter.com/jensravens
    name: '@JensRavens'