swiftlysingh / GigMe

A find app for freelance gigs, internships and jobs
3 stars 5 forks source link
swiftui twitterapi

Slack Notion [Testflight]() [App Store]()


A Hackathon Project

GigMe is the product of a hackathon. More specifcally [Codechella by Twitter](). Since it was made under 3 days, it currently requires a complete redesign and more importantly a new name but I think we can work with this right now.

GigMe currently queries tweets and find tweets providing some "Gig". We all have seen tweets like this asking for someone for some gigs, right? This app will curate all the gigs for a particular role and present it to you in a dense, and easy to read form. I believe we can expand it to query for internships and job offer. Wait. Why should we stop at twitter? I think we can query LinkedIn, Facebook, probably any social platform.

This project is in very early stage, I am open to any to all ideas. If we neeed, I am happy to start this from scratch.

👾 Technologies

To help scale development, this app is built using the MVC design pattern. subsequent changes made by contributors do not affect the central architecture.

  • SwiftUI
  • XCTests
  • Swifter

Getting Started



1) Fork this project 2) Clone the forked project to your machine 3) In your project directory open Terminal and Run $ pod install and $ pod update 4) Open the .xcworkspace file in Xcode to start menu working on the App

Set up contributing environment

Before you assist with the development, please set up the project on your local machine, run it, and go through the complete application

Click through buttons you can find and see where they take you. Explore the app in detail so that you are aware of core features.

The Team