swiss-art-research-net / bso-data-pipeline

This contains the pipeline for converting BSO input data into CIDOC/RDF
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Bilder der Schweiz Online


This contains the pipeline for converting BSO input data into CIDOC/RDF

How to use

Prerequisites: Docker including Docker Compose

Copy and (if required) edit the .env.example

cp .env.example .env

Run the project with

docker-compose up -d


To include the BSO App when cloning, clone with:

git clone --recurse-submodules

To download the source data create a GitHub personal access token and add it to the .env file, along with your username.

Download the source files by runnning


Run the ETL pipeline through


This will execute all relevant tasks to populate the platform with the data.

To only process a limited number of records (for testing purposes) add the -l parameter:

bash -l 20

This will process 20 records from each collection.


To interact with the task runner, connect to the jobs container (the name of the container depends on your setting of the project name):

docker exec -it bso_pipeline_jobs bash

To list available tasks, run:

task --list

This will output a list of tasks:

* add-relations:                              Materialise triples defined through the queries/addRelations.sparql query in the Blazegraph instance
* add-summaries:                              Materialise summaries for the entities
* cache-all-thumbnails:                       Cache thumbnails of all entities
* cache-wikidata-thumbnails:                  Cache thumbnails of Wikidata entities
* cleanup:                                    Run Cleanup query (located in queries/cleanup.sparql)
* default:                                    Runs the entire pipeline
* delete-field-definitions:                   Delete the field definitions stored in the database
* delete-image-regions:                       Delete the generated image regions from the Blazegraph instance
* download-iiif-manifests:                    Downloads the IIIF Manifests found in the ZBZ data source file
* generate-dossier-thumbnails:                Generate thumbnails for the dossiers that contain (several) images
* generate-iiif-manifests:                    Generates IIIF Manifests based on the data present in the triple store
* ingest-classifications:                     Ingest the calculated similarities and other classifications
* ingest-color-schemes:                       Ingests the color schemes into the Blazegraph instance
* ingest-data-additional:                     Ingest the TTL and Trig files located in the data/ttl/additional folder to the Blazegraph instance.
* ingest-data-from-folder:                    Ingests data from a specified folder. If a named graph is specified (GRAPH), TTL files will be ingested into it. Otherwise, the filename will be used as named graph. Named Graphs specified in Trig files will be used as defined
* ingest-data-main:                           Ingest the TTL files located in the data/ttl/main folder to the Blazegraph instance
* ingest-data-nb:                             Ingest the TTL files located in the data/ttl/main/nb folder to the Blazegraph instance
* ingest-data-nb-as-individual-graphs:        Ingest the TTL files located in the data/ttl/main/nb folder to the Blazegraph instance, placing each file into an individual named graph
* ingest-data-sff:                            Ingest the TTL files located in the data/ttl/main/sff folder to the Blazegraph instance
* ingest-data-sff-as-individual-graphs:       Ingest the TTL files located in the data/ttl/main/sff folder to the Blazegraph instance, placing each file into an individual named graph
* ingest-data-zbz:                            Ingest the TTL files located in the data/ttl/main/zbz folder to the Blazegraph instance
* ingest-data-zbz-as-individual-graphs:       Ingest the TTL files located in the data/ttl/main/zbz folder to the Blazegraph instance, placing each file into an individual named graph
* ingest-distances:                           Ingest computed distances between entities into the Blazegraph instance
* ingest-ontologies:                          Ingests the ontologies into individual named Graphs
* ingest-title-similarities:                  Ingests the title similarities into the Blazegraph instance
* ingest-visual-similarities:                 Ingests the visual similarities into the Blazegraph instance
* mapping-nb:                                 Map SNB XML data to CIDOC/RDF
* mapping-sff:                                Map SFF XML data to CIDOC/RDF
* mapping-zbz:                                Map ZBZ XML data to CIDOC/RDF
* materialise-field-definitions:              Materialises the field definitions as propertes in the graph
* prepare-xml-records-nb:                     Extract individual records from the NB data
* prepare-xml-records-sff:                    Extract individual records from the SFF data
* prepare-xml-records-zbz:                    Convert the ZBZ data from JSON to individual XML Records
* retrieve-aat:                               Extracts relevant data from AAT based on identifiers found in the mapped TTL files
* retrieve-additional-data:                   Retrieve additional reference data for the mapped data
* retrieve-gnd:                               Extracts relevant data from GND based on identifiers found in the mapped TTL files
* retrieve-loc:                               Extracts relevant data from Library of Congress based on identifiers found in the mapped TTL files
* retrieve-wikidata:                          Extracts relevant data from Wikidata based on identifiers found in the mapped TTL files
* retrieve-wikimedia-image-rights:            Retrieve the image rights metadata for the extracted images from Wikimedia Commons
* update-image-regions:                       Updates the image regions from the provided Trig file. Regions that have been manually updated will are left unchanged                                  

To run a specific task type task followed by the task name, e.g.:

task cleanup

If the task is already up to date, it will not run. To force a task to run, type the command followed by --force

task cleanup --force


Missing BSO App

If the BSO app is missing, you might have cloned the repository without submodules. To pull the submodules after cloning the repository, run

git submodule init
git submodule update

Problems saving forms

If forms do not save correctly, or regions cannot be drawn or deleted, it might be because a form container is missing. Create a new form container by executing the following SPARQL query:

    GRAPH <> {
        <> <> <> .
        <> a <>,
                                                                     <> .
} WHERE {}