This module is for users that want to implement there shopify products into a SilverStripe storefront.
Based on xddesigners/silverstripe-shopify - but completely reworked.
It makes use of the Shopify Buy Button to create the cart and checkout interface.
You'll end up with a import job that fetches all the products and variants and stores them as Product DataObject in your site.
Install the module trough composer and configure the api keys.
composer require swordfox/silverstripe-shopify
Get up your api keys by creating a new Private App in your Shopify admin interface.
If you want to use webhooks via the API e.g. dev/tasks/Swordfox-Shopify-Task-Webhooks/create you need to ensure 'webhooks_shared_secret' is the same as 'shared_secret', however if you want to use manually added webhooks, you will need to get your webhooks shared secret from admin/settings/notifications
api_key: 'YOUR_API_KEY'
api_password: 'YOUR_API_PASSWORD'
api_limit: 50 # Default limit, 250 max
api_version: '2021-01' # Default 2021-01
storefront_access_token: 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN' # for buybutton code
shopify_domain: 'YOUR_SHOPIFY_DOMAIN' #
shared_secret: 'YOUR_API_SHARED_SECRET'
webhooks_shared_secret: 'YOUR_WEBHOOKS_SHARED_SECRET' # Use same as above for webhooks added via API e.g. dev/tasks/Swordfox-Shopify-Task-Webhooks/create
'products/update': 'shop/webhook/update/product'
'products/create': 'shop/webhook/update/product'
'products/delete': 'shop/webhook/delete/product'
'collections/create': 'shop/webhook/update/collection'
'collections/update': 'shop/webhook/update/collection'
'collections/delete': 'shop/webhook/delete/collection'
'inventory_levels/connect': 'shop/webhook/update/inventory'
'inventory_levels/update': 'shop/webhook/update/inventory'
delete_on_shopify: false
delete_on_shopify_after: '+3 days' # strtotime('+3 days')
delete_on_shopify_keep_active: false
hide_out_of_stock: false
hide_if_no_image: false
hide_if_collection_not_active: false
new_based_on: 'Created' # LastEdited or ImageAdded (use with hide_if_no_image)
new_timeframe: '+7 days' # strtotime('+7 days')
cron_interval: '-18 hours' # Allow for timezone offset, e.g. if your timezone is +12:00, add your cron_interval to that as a negative value. So if your cron runs every 6 hours, set the cron_interval to '-18 hours'
custom_metafields: true # product.metafields.custom.metatitle & product.metafields.custom.brand
googlefeed_gtinbarcode: false # Show gtin as Barcode from Shopify
googlefeed_mpnsku: true # Show mpn as SKU from Shopify
googlefeed_condition: new # The condition of items
# Override $default_sort
default_sort: 'Created DESC' # LastEdited DESC or ImageAdded DESC
You can run the import script manually trough the dev/tasks interface or set up up to run as a cron task. The default task is designed to run once per day and imports / updates the latest 50 api_limit
from admin/products.json, admin/custom_collections.json & admin/smart_collections.json.
or sake dev/tasks/Swordfox-Shopify-Task-Import
The productsonly task is designed to run a few times a day if webhooks are not being used, it imports the latest 50 api_limit
from admin/products.json.
or sake dev/tasks/Swordfox-Shopify-Task-Import/productsonly
The productsall task is designed to run on initial set up and imports all from admin/products.json, admin/custom_collections.json & admin/smart_collections.json.
or sake dev/tasks/Swordfox-Shopify-Task-Import/productsall
The following webhooks are supported and can be created automatically via the API using
or sake dev/tasks/Swordfox-Shopify-Task-Webhooks/create
You can run the delete on Shopify script manually trough the dev/tasks interface or set up up to run as a cron task. This task is useful for stores that sell one-off products and want to delete the products off Shopify after a certain period of time delete_on_shopify_after: '+3 days'
which is set on ShopifyProduct::DeleteOnShopify during the import tasks if delete_on_shopify: true
or sake dev/tasks/Swordfox-Shopify-Task-DeleteOnShopify