swsnu / swpp2021-team7

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Project Abstract

Vidol is a K-POP-related web service that helps idol fans enjoy their favorite idols' contents much more diversely. and conveniently. There are two main problems idol fans encounter when following up on K-POP content: they are so scattered and it is extremely hard to exclude unwanted parts in video content. Therefore, Vidol provides two main features: serving integrated data and extracting user-wanted parts in videos.

Vidol collects and processes data of idols in advance by crawling. With the well-organized data we provide, users can follow up updates of their favorites easily. All users need to do is just typing the name of idols. It is the same in video indexing services. When users input the video URL and the idol they want to extract parts of, with machine learning, Vidol scans the video and index it either by scene change or appearing figures. With the result, users can recreate content by saving and editing it.

Our goal is to boost K-POP fanship culture up by enabling efficient content consumption and recreation. As K-POP market is growing and Vidol itself promotes creating content, the importance and the utility of Vidol would get more significant over time.

Document Revision History

   Rev. 1.0 2021-10-16 - initial version
   Rev. 1.1 2021-10-26 - redirection link revised
   Rev. 1.2 2021-10-30 - scrap & idol like feature added in Search Result Page


Vidol is for all who love K-Pop idols.

Specifically, Vidol can give the best user experience for those

Competitive Landscape

According to the rapid growth of the K-pop idol market, many idol businesses and services are launched for fans of idols such as IDOLPICK, IDOL Live, and Choi-Ae-dol in south Korea. Their service provides some information about specific idols and some participatory features such as quiz or schedulers.
Competitive Landscape In our service, VIDOL, we could be a game-changer of the K-pop idol market through special features and distinctive ideas.
First, VIDOL offers higher user engagement than the others. Users can leave comments on all content in VIDOL. It means that users can express their opinions free and participate in the complimentary discussion. The function of extracting video clips from the original also improves user engagement. Users who want to get their video clips from which their favorite idols come out. It could be the most famous and innovative idea in this market.
Second, we manage a broad range of idol data scope by crawling from many platforms provided information on K-pop idol. Many existing services offered only a few datasets of idols or stored data manually typed. But VIDOL offers a large dataset by crawling from search engines or social media such as Naver, Instagram, and Youtube. Users who want to get information about their favorite idols can get information easily without excessive effort by searching.

User Stories


1. Sign in

2. Sign up

Main Page

1. Search keyword

1.1 Type keyword

1.2 Select idol

2. Ranking

2.1 Ranking in HotRankingList

2.2 Move to Ranking Page

Ranking Page

1. See ranking list

1.1 Ranking list

2. Move page

2.1 Move to Search Result Page

Search Result Page

1. See content of search result

1.1 Content

1.2 Scrap

1.3 Like idol

2. Comment

2.1 Create comment

2.2 Like comment

2.3 Edit comment

2.4 Delete comment

3. Move page

3.1 Move to Video Indexing Page

My Page

1. List of my idols

1.1 View the list

Index Content
FeatureName List of user's favorite idol
Actors User
Precondition User is on My Page('/mypage/:id')

1.2 Move to Search Result Page

Index Content
FeatureName List of user's favorite idol
Actors User
Precondition User is on My Page('/mypage/:id') and seeing the list

1.3 Cancel like

Index Content
FeatureName List of user's favorite idol
Actors User
Precondition User is on My Page('/mypage/:id') and seeing the list

2. Scraped articles

2.1 View scraped articles

Index Content
FeatureName List of user's scraped articles
Actors User
Precondition User is on My Page('/mypage/:id')

2.2 Move to Search Result Page

Index Content
FeatureName List of user's scraped articles
Actors User
Precondition User is on My Page('/mypage/:id') and on scraped articles section

2.3 Cancel scrap

Index Content
FeatureName List of user's scraped articles
Actors User
Precondition User is on My Page('/mypage/:id') and on scraped articles section

3. My Comments

3.1 View my comments

Index Content
FeatureName List of user's comments
Actors User
Precondition User is on My Page('/mypage/:id')

3.2 Move to Search Result Page

Index Content
FeatureName List of user's comments
Actors User
Precondition User is on My Page('/mypage/:id')

Video Indexing

1. Index Video by Scene Changes

1.1 Input Video by Link

1.2 Edit Video

2. Extract Parts of Selected Idol

2.1 Input Video by Link

2.2 Search Idol

2.3 Request Support(ML training)

2.4 Select Idol

2.5 Edit Video

User Interface Requirements

swpp wireframe - Frame 1 You can check the original version at: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lsOtDfA=/?invite_link_id=908977330974