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Questions about final exam #159

Closed lemonshushu closed 10 months ago

lemonshushu commented 2 years ago

I have some questions for the final exam:

1. Is it mandatory to use Python virtualenv in the exam? The LAB slides tell us to use the Python virtualenv when using Django. However, to be honest, I've barely used virtualenv in the assignments/project so far, so I'm not familiar with it. Is it mandatory to use the Python virtualenv when using Django/python in the exam? Or is it okay even if we just use the pre-installed version of Python, without virtualenv?

2. Can we use Redux Toolkit in the exam? I'm aware that no third party libraries are allowed in the exam. However, Redux Toolkit is an "official" library distributed by the Redux team, and the official Redux docs strongly recommends developers to use Redux Toolkit when writing Redux logic. So, will it be possible to use Redux Toolkit in the exam?

I'll be waiting for your kind reply. Thank you.

kdh0102 commented 2 years ago
  1. We will install virtualenv and required packages for each student, so you do not have to worry about which python you use.
  2. Redux toolkit is included in the environment.
clarkindy commented 2 years ago
  1. We will install virtualenv and required packages for each student, so you do not have to worry about which python you use.

Does this mean we could use any version of Python we want? If not, what versions of Python are allowed? I am asking this question because I think the availability of various features are quite different between minor versions of Python.

ttoru96 commented 2 years ago

@clarkindy We will install Python of version 3.7.x and you will be asked to use this version of Python only. This is the version that we've been using throughout the practice sessions so you will find it familiar.

If you come to the rehearsal, you will be able to do a hands-on check on the final exam environment, so please come if the time suits you :)

kdh0102 commented 2 years ago

@clarkindy We will install Python 3.7.12 and the same version is used for the grading.